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Actual problems of Russian law

Ershova Natalia Vladimirovna History of development of the norms on the falsified evidence in the Russian procedural legislation

Abstract: The article is devoted to the positions in the key sources of the Russian Law starting with the time of the Russkaya Pravda and to the time of the current Arbitration and Civil Procedural Codes of the Russian Federation on the matter of falsified evidence. The author establishes the pattern regarding the connection between the greater role of written evidence and the changes in the regulation of Issues regarding their authenticity or falsified character. It is noted that the detailed regulation of the issues regarding falsified judicial evidence was started in the middle of the XIX century due to the Articles for the Civil Judicial Procedure of 1864. The author expresses an opinion on the need to amend the current Arbitration and Civil Procedural Codes of the Russian Federation, since the existing legal regulation of the issues of falsification of judicial evidence does not meet all of the demands of the legal practice.


jurisprudence, falsification, fraud, dispute on fraud, dispute on doubts in authenticity, the Russkaya Pravda, the Law Codes of 1497 and 1550, the 1649 Code of Tsar Alexis, the Articles for the Civil Judicial Procedure of 1864, the Civil Procedural Code of the RSFSR

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