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Law and Politics

Belikova, K.M. Development of the uniting idea in the North America: political and legal aspects.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the ideas, primary landmarks of the uniting strategy in the North America, with the due attention paid to the NAFTA economic block. The factors, which facilitated integration are viewed by the author, taking the relations between the USA and Canada. Much attention is paid to the factors, which influenced the integration at the current time, and the author provides a perspective overview for the future. Attention is paid to the relations between the NAFTA and the EU, the Mercosur, and other results of the uniting strategy in the American continent (such as the ALADI, the ALCA, etc.). The goal of the study is to show the patterns of development of the integration processes in the North America. The author uses comparative legal method, as well as historical, dialectic methods, and specialized scientific methods.


jurisprudence, North American, integration, NAFTA, the USA, Mexico, ALCA, Mercosur, the All-American zone, free trade.

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