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Politics and Society

Koren, R. V., Bugaev, A. F. Society’s Search for Meaning

Abstract: Based on Viktor Frankl’s work ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ the authors analyze the given issue from the point of view of society and state institution. When the first state institutions were created on earth, a civilization of violence and fear was formed, too, which eventually led to the moral crisis of mankind. Birth sets the initial problem situation called ‘life’ and death sets the final situation of the same problem. And the fact that life is has the end creates personal responsibility for a life one has lived. Man’s search for meaning brings him to the Universe because this is where the meaning belongs. The author of the article describes individual practices aimed at finding and maintaining the meaning of life, however, these practices create essential but insufficient conditions. It is well know that the environment has a dominating influence on the consciousness formation. This is why the core meaning of state policy and budgets towards an individual must become the priority of culture, science and education just as deceased member of the Academy D. S. Likhachev instated.


philosophy, society, state policy, meaning, life, death, morals, culture, creation, management.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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