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Politics and Society

Markin, V. Yu. To the Question of the Formational Order and Features of Personnel Structure of Judicial Reformers after Judicial Reform of 1922

Abstract: The article is devoted to the bodies of compulsory execution of judgments as one of the most important links of state mechanism, passed a long way of formation and development. One of the significant moments of the Russian history, in particular, on institute of judicial execution, judicial reform of 1922 by which the uniform system of bodies of judicial execution with essentially new organizational beginnings of their activity was actually founded was cardinally affected. It was reflected and in process of formation of personnel structure of judicial performers, and on development to a state policy concerning the last. However this moment didn’t receive due recognition in domestic jurisprudence in this connection, there was a need of carrying out the corresponding research for the purpose of creation of the fullest and authentic historical and legal picture of those years regarding the organization and activity of domestic judicial executive bodies.


judicial performer, provincial court, national court, representative of provincial court, district bureau of justice, district executive committee.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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