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Administrative and municipal law

Doroshenko, O. M. Administrative Delictuality of the Under-Aged and the Role of Police in Preventing it

Abstract: The article discusses the place and role of police in the system of crime prevention among the under-aged. The author describes a number of methods and measures of a preventive and education nature performed by all prevention entities. As the research shows, a certain share of the under-aged has turned into the criminally active part of our population. Before 1990 criminal statistics showed a relatively slow growth of crime rates among the under-aged – by 11-12 % every 15 years at average. However, since 1991 the number of the under-aged committing crime has risen drastically. It grew by 46% over the period of 1991-2012. At the present time the crime rates are especially high among the under-aged. Over the past year the delictuality of the under-aged grew 6 times as fast as the general population of this age group.


police, subdivisions working with the under-aged, internal affairs bodies, prevention, enforcement, persuasion, measures, help, interaction, cooperation, neglect, social security.

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