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Law and Politics

Abdulvaliev, A.F. The prerequisites and perspectives of the introduction of an electronic form of the criminal case file into the activities of the judicial bodies.

Abstract: A number of legal scholars and practicing lawyers prefer novel and progressive technologies in the criminal judicial procedure, including the electronic case file. Also, the federal programs on development of judicial system contain some prerequisites, which “push” the judicial system towards the introduction of the electronic case files. However, it seems more reasonable to develop federal programs for the pre-trial criminal procedures. The existing provisions for the modern technologies shall allow to introduce the electronic case files in the nearest decade, and it shall not require any considerable amendments in the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. However, it shall be necessary to provide legislative regulation for the application of this technology, to avoid barriers and problems, which may arise due to the introduction of an electronic form of criminal cases.


jurisprudence, judicial procedure, criminal, process, court, technologies, electronic, carrier, information, program.

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