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Taxes and Taxation

Savina, O. N. Assessing Efficiency of Tax Bene fits Under Conditions of Applicable Russian Tax Legislation and Ways to Improve It

Abstract: Tax privileges have been approved for is an effective instrument of State business, investment, innovation, labor force activity, development of science, technology and the social sphere. The more pressing issue is the benefits of its use and providing them to those who really need them. Assessing the legislation on taxes and fees of the Russian Federation at the current moment, it could be argued that a system of tax incentives and preferences only partly inadequate. There is a need for methods of assessment of tax benefits that unified criteria for their effectiveness. In addition to traditional criteria, other estimates put that will deepen and refine the assessment of the impact of tax incentives, to improve the quality of the monitoring of their effectiveness and will guide budgetary and financial forecasting and planning activities of the State and taxpayers.


Tax credits, preferences, evaluation, monitoring, tax incentives, tax tools support.

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