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Politics and Society

Aleynikov, A. V. Compositional Grounds for Conß ict Contingency of Business and State Institution: Russia

Abstract: Evolution of the Russian system ‘business-system- society’ is viewed through describing the dominant delimitation caused by the structural changes in a society and cultural dynamics or base socio-cultural cultural differences. Conß ict is described as a negative form of interaction which actors are aimed at Þ ghting, keeping or changing their position in a society or community. The author describes the two main analysis levels – ontological analysis which classiÞ es conß ict situations, their structures, features and peculiarities and operational analysis which consists of a number of methods of conß ict solution developed and used by the society and a number of stereotypical scenarios of conß ict behavior. Based on Albert Hirschman’s researches the author describes strategies of conß ict relations between business and state institutions as well as their ‘genetic’ connection with the previous states of the Russian institutional system. The author also deÞ nes the main features of the Russian model of conß icts ad the operational level of methods and scenarios of the conß ict solution process. Analyzing compositional grounds for conß ict contingency between business and state institution, the author describes the following operating modes – directive, functional and communicative modes – as well as the main features, attributes and identiÞ cation peculiarities of Russian business.


political studies, business, power, conß ict, Russia, transformations, society, communication, strategy.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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