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Politics and Society

Nagaeva, S. K. Political Indictors of Civil Society in a Region

Abstract: The article describes political interpretation of civil society from the point of view of institutional and anthropological approaches. The author describes the structure of civil society an nalyes such political elements as public associations (political parties, communities and etc.), civil participation (civil expertise, public hearings, community ofÞ ces and etc.), political culture, local self-government and general political mass media. The author also describes political indicators of efÞ cient functioning of civil society in a political development of a region – presence of partnership relations between regional elite and such non-governmental institutions as unions (labor, political party and etc.), mass media and private property institution, civil participation, social and political activity of communities in a region and activities performed by the Public Chambers. At the end of the article the author concludes that the civil society is inseparable from the sphere of politics ad as a political phenomenon, it acquires a new content ad role in a political development of a region. Further researches of political indicator of civil society would allow to outline the ways to improve it at the levels of a particular region and a country in general.


political studies, political, civil, society, regional, development, interpretation, structure, elements.

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