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Philosophy and Culture

Solonenko, M. A. Many-Level Temporal World and Diversity of Forms of Time Perception (Cognitive evolutional approach to time perception in creative works)

Abstract: The author of the article analyzes one of rarely studied problems in philosophy — time perception — from the point of view of evolutional epistemiology and cognitive science. Analysis shows great diversity of the world and unlimited variety of time forms and reveals the contents of such phenomenonon of human life activity as creativity. Based on the most recent researches and experimental findings of modern cognitive scientists, the author of the article shows the close connection between creativity and time perception as well as special states of consciousness arising in the process of creative self-realization of human. In particular, from the point of view of evolutional epistemiology and cognitive science, the author of the article defines creativity as some kind of innovative difficulty created by human through perceiving events of the surrounding world and various cognitive states of consciousness in the course of solving a task or problem within a very short period of time.


philosophy, time, creative work, tempoworld, perception, autism, temporality, creativity, synergism.

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