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Politics and Society

Safonova, A. S. Political Consciousness of Youth During Elections (Based on the Example of St. Petersburg)

Abstract: The article describes forms of electorate behavior of youth in modern Russia. Special attention is paid at the role of Internet as a factor which forms the willingness to participate in elections. The author of the article also studies the role of St. Petersburg youth organizations in forming political activitiy of the youth during elections in 2011-2012. Morever, the author analyzes the election campaigns of candidates for a president in 2012 within the framework of developing youth policy in the country. Based on the analysis of the level of the youth political culture, the author concludes that there is a certain need in creation and development of institutions which would teach youth about politics and the country’s policy.


political studies, politics, youth, elections, Internet, citizenship, absenteeism, electorate, organizations, institutions.

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