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Law and Politics

Mikhailov, A.M. Basic stages of genesis of the continental legal dogmas.

Abstract: The article includes a review on the development of legal dogmas in the continental legal studies. The author considers that dogmatic jurisprudence had formed the basis for the professional legal culture and key types of legal activities. The starting point of its evolution is the medieval school of glossators. The philosophical bases for the continental legal dogmas were formed by the scholastics. The process of the evolution of the dogmatic jurisprudence may be divided into three main stages. The first stage is medieval and it is represented by the academic school of glossators and commentators (post-glossators). The second period is characterized by the formation of the cultural and philosophical bases for the dogmatic traditions, which were formed due to the humanistic school of lawyers and the school of natural law. The third period is represented by the historical school of law, and the jurisprudence of definitions, which completed the development of the dogmatic jurisprudence.


jurisprudence, legal dogmas, continental legal system, general theory of law, glossators, commentators, humanistic school, school of natural law, historic school of lawyers, jurisprudence of definitions.

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