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Law and Politics

Erpyleva, N.Y., Filimonov, K.V. Liquidation of the Russian credit organization (novel features in the legal regulation).

Abstract: This article is devoted to the problems of modern legal regulation in the sphere of liquidation of Russian credit organizations. The authors single out three types of liquidation of the credit organizations as subjects of the Russian banking system: voluntary liquidation (liquidation of a credit organization based on the initiative of its founders (participants); involuntary liquidation on the initiative of the Bank of Russia, and the involuntary liquidation as a part of bankruptcy. The authors provide detailed analysis of the various types of normative legal acts, which regulate the procedure and grounds for liquidation of the credit organizations, which include civil, banking and procedural legislation. Much attention is paid to establishing the factors, which serve as preconditions for the choice of certain form of liquidation of a credit organization as a legal entity. A specific aspect of the work was analysis of the grounds for annulment and recall of the license for the banking operations by the credit organizations, the author shows their legal consequences. The authors also point out the role of the Deposit Insurance Agency, which serves as a bancruptcy manager within the bankruptcy procedure of the credit organizations.


jurisprudence, bank, license, liquidation, participant, creditor, bankruptcy, recall, annulment.

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