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Philosophy and Culture

Omarova, Z. U. Some Aspects of Studying the Religion Phenomenon

Abstract: Modern Russian society is having an especially hard time overcoming religious or religious-related processes. These processes are usually accompanied with confrontation of followers of different views and result in completely polarized positions and bitter disputes in mass media. Quite obviously, it is very difficult to avoid estimating remarks reflecting a researcher’s personal experience and beliefs. One’s attitude to the process of religious knowledge is conditioned with a sacral personal attitude on one hand and an attempt to rationalize on the other hand. Still, it seems impossible to completely avoid prejudgment here. In such situation it is very important to form a certain attitude to religion outside the predetermined conditions. It is also very important to develop the position where there are no demonstrative neutralism at all.


philosophy, religion, knowledge, self-consciousness, interpretation, human existence, supernatural, faith, transcendental, social consciousness.

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