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Administrative and municipal law

Nekrasova, T. A. On Implementation of the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions in Russia

Abstract: Corrupion is a very multi-faced and complicated phenomenon. At different times, in different sciences and almost in all legal systems researchers and experts have been trying to give a definition of this phenomenon. Some definitions were too broad and included more types of criminal behavior, the others definitions are more narrow. However, this way or another, there are the two features of this phenomenon which always remain unchanged and stipulated in national and international laws. At the persent time, due to the development of economic turnover, market globalization processes and direct interaction between officials and foreign business entities the most dangerous form of corruption is becoming the bribary of foreign pubilc officials.


corruption, bribery, OECD, transaction, official, combating, struggle, minimization, crime, violation, community.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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