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Administrative and municipal law

Kabanov, P. Procedural Matters of Viewing the Documents Submitted to the Committee on Compliance with the Requirements for Official Behavior of State (Municipal) Officers and Management of the Conflict of Interests

Abstract: The article is devoted to the procedural matters of viewing the documents received by the officials of the committee on compliance with the requirements for official behavior of state (municipal) officers and management of the conflict of interests based on legal acts regulating such committee’s activities. As a result of his study, the author makes the following conclusions: a) the committee views the documents at the stage of preparation of documents for the review; b) papers are viewed by the committee secretary; c) the period for the review of documents received by the committee starts at the moment when the documents are recdeived and continues until the committee meeting; d) based on the results of the review the committee secretary can prepare a service document – the review list of documents received by the committee.


corruption, state service, municipal service, conflict of interests, committee on compliance with the requirements for official behavior of state offices and management , review period, review list, committee secretary, commitee chairman.

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