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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Petrusha A. A. Warranties in Sales Transaction under the Law of UK and USA

Abstract: While concluding a contract for international sale of goods between Russian and English or American companies, English or U.S. law may be selected as applicable to the contract. The general approach to the legal regulation of warranties (warranty of title, quality warranty) in sales transaction in accordance with English and U.S. laws has no fundamental difference in comparison with Russian law. The differences are mainly related to more detailed legal regulation of warranties, as well as to the approach of legal regulation of seller’s liability for breach of warranties under English and U.S laws. The purpose of the present article is an examination of warranties regulation in sale of goods transaction according to English and U.S. laws, as well as revelation of particularities at which Russian partner should draw its attention before entering into a contract for international sale of goods subjected to English or U.S. law.


comparative law, contract for international sale of goods, warranty of title, quality warranty, exclusion of implied warranties, exclusion of seller’s liability for breach of warranty.

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