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Philosophy and Culture

Nedugova, I. A. Archaicism in Culture: Study of Phenomenon

Abstract: The author develops the conceptual grounds for the processes of cultural dynamics: expansion and contraction of the cultural field. The article contains a comparative analysis of the terms ‘new archaic nature’ and ‘post-modern’. The author also studies regular patterns of the existence of the system of culture from the point of view of synergetic and non-linear approach. Expansion and contraction cycles change one another. When the system of culture is contracted, the phenomenon of archaicism appears. Expansion of the system causes another phenomenon — post-modern. The author develops the system of influence of the contraction process on formation of delusive consciousness. The author also presents the conceptual model of philosophical reflection of delusive consciousness.


philosophy, post-modernism, post-modern, archaic nature, culture, dynamics, objectivity, hierarchy, dissipation, change.

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