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Law and Politics

Tolpegin, P.V. Legal procedure of non-judicial review of addresses by persons and legal entities.

Abstract: The author takes a theoretical legal standpoint in order to view the legal procedure of examination of addresses by persons and legal entities, which appears due to implementation by such persons and entities of their right to address legislative and executive bodies, municipal bodies as well as bodies and institutions, which are not included into certain branches of power. The author singles out three architectures for movement of the document (address): ascending, descending, transit, as well as the mixed form. The author offers defi nition for the term “commission” as an order given between the offi cers of a certain body or between different bodies”. The procedure of examination of address includes the legal procedure of reporting the address, which is comparable to the implementation of law. The author establishes that commission is an act of application of law within the legal procedure of reporting the address. The article includes description of differences in the procedure of implementation for the various types of addresses. It is established that the non-judicial examination of addresses, which include information on violations of subjective rights, lawful interests and current legislation, is implemented by a special legal procedure of non-judicial protection of rights and lawful interests, which bears protective character.


jurisprudence, procedure, non-judicial, addresses, implementation of law, enforcement of law, commission, order, report, protection of rights.

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