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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Mordas, E. S. Object Relations and Choice of Homosexual Object by Females

Abstract: Female homosexuality usually presents itself during the period of sexual maturity and caused by the Oedipus complex and difficulties during infanthood. The author of the article defines the two main factors causing female homosexuality: denial of heterosexual relationships due to the castration complex and attraction to a mother due to early fixations. Woman’s denial from heterosexual relations is the regression which actualizes the experience of early relations with a mother. Female homosexuality is archaic, ambivalent and intense. It actualizes specific behavioral patterns, fears and conflicts of early period of child’s development.


psychology, homosexuality, libido, regress, fixation, disappointment, frustration, hostility, perversions, object relations.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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