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History magazine - researches

Korolev A.S. The dual attitude of the Romans to the people of Rus “disastrous in fact and by the name”.

Abstract: the article tells about the history of Russian-Byzantine relations in the IX-XI centuries. The author tries to show how the Byzantines perceived Russ, what in Russ evoke real and imaginary fears in Romans. The fears were connected with the expectations of the Last Day, the signs of the onset of which the Romans saw in the appearance of mysterious Russ people. It is concluded that at different times in different groups of Byzantine people the attitude the Russ was ambiguous. Although in the IX century, when intensive contacts of Romans with the Russ only started, one name of the northern neighbors of the Empire sowed panic among the general population of the Byzantine, but in X century with the beginning of intense commercial and military cooperation the Russ did not cause the mystical horror among ordinary Romans. The same commonsensical attitude to reality shared the political elite of Byzantium. And only in the writings of Byzantine intellectuals the Russ caused fear until the christianization of Russia.


history, the prophecy of Ezekiel, Rus, Romans, Byzantium, Constantinople, Leo the Deacon, Photius, Constantine Porphyrogenitus, Olga.

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