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Politics and Society

Rosin, V.M., Golubkova, L.G. The challenge of improving governance in Russian context.

Abstract: The paper analyzes two main interrelated types of control in the social sphere and in the production (the management of social organizations and enterprises, companies, etc.). The article deals with problems that forces management to improve in these areas (lack of good governance, corruption and rent construction, an increase in the number of management personnel, the opacity and complexity of activities). The authors state that there is no progress in reforming governance. In this regard, the essence of management is discussed. The authors show that the Russian system of governance is infl uenced by such factors as the conceptualization of governance in the Western models, the weakness of the society, selfi sh ruling elite not really interested in the reforms. The authors discuss a way out of this situation.


cultural studies, management, improvement, reality, elite, society, state, activity, reform, knowledge

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