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Pedagogy and education

Gritsay, L. A. Humanistic Model of Family Up-Bringing in N. N. Karintsev, I. O. Fesenko and P. P. Blonsky’s Teaching Legacy

Abstract: The article is devoted to the main priorities of family up-bringing described by famous educators at the end of the 19th — beginning of the 20th century — Karintsev, Fesenko and Blonsky. The article provides a primary analysis of the educators’ views that lie in the basis of the humanistic model of family up-bringing (hierarchical, emotive, cognitive, axiological and activity components). The author of the article defines the key priorities for this particular model. At the end of the article it is concluded that family up-bringing described by Russian educators is a topical issue nowadays because it touches upon a very important problem of humanistic family up-bringing of new generations.


teaching, family, parenthood, up-bringing, humanism, model, Karintsev, Fesenko, Blonsky, education.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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