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National Security

Tytar, V.A. Role and place of the nuclear containment in guarantees of military security of Russia.

Abstract: The goal of this publication is to fi nd out and describe the role and place of nuclear containment in the system of guarantees of military security in Russia. The object for the studies is military security as a special condition of state and inter-state relations, and the matter is nuclear containment and its implementation as one of the instruments for guaranteeing military security. The key methods of this study are induction and comparison. The key result is motivated demonstration of nuclear containment as one of the forceful means for the guarantees of military security of the Russian Federation. The results of the study may be used in order to develop the means for the strategic stability and strategic partnership in the matters of collective and addressed military security, as well as for the scientifi c and teaching purposes at the higher schools which specialize in state security. The key conclusion is that there is no alternative to nuclear containment in the guarantees of security of Russia at the short-term and medium-term perspectives.


military, strategic stability, nuclear containment, anti-missile defense, strategic nuclear forces, prevention of aggression, threats to statehood, ballistic missiles, nuclear arms, outer threats.

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