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Taxes and Taxation

Mikhaylishina Ya. A. Theoretical Bases of the Tax Incentives System

Abstract: At the present time, when forming tax policy it is necessary to take into account the role of tax incentives as an instrument of regulation of economics. This instrument ensures a direct infl uence on the economy on the whole and particular economic spheres, sectors and social processes as well as taxpayers’ economic behavior. However, Russia’s institution of tax incentives is not developed enough and lacks general theory and methodology. The present article, with the help of a comparative analysis of tax incentives characteristics described by the Russian scientists, formulates the author’s defi nition of tax incentives. The author also describes the goals and elements of tax incentives including legal groundwork for tax incentives, tax privileges, subjects and objects of tax incentives, mechanism of tax incentives. All these elements are related and connected with one another and form the entire system of tax incentives.


taxes and taxation, incentives, system, analysis, synthesis, mechanism, benefi ts, legislation, subjects, objects.

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