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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

B.I. Osminin Participation of the Parliament in Decision–Making on the Consent of a State to Be Bound by International Treaties (comparative–legal analysis)

Abstract: The article is devoted to the role of the parliaments of various countries in the decision–making on the consent to be bound by international treaties. In many states parliamentary approval is legally binding for the conclusion of the most important international treaties. Parliamentary approval increasingly has become a precondition for the internal effect of international treaties. In some countries (the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada) parliamentary approval is not legally necessary for the adoption of the international treaty obligations. The absence of disapproval of parliament is considered to be sufficient for the adoption of a decision on the ratification of the treaty.


parliamentary approval of international treaties, parliamentary scrutiny, express approval, tacit approval, the absence of disapproval, Ponsonby Rule, “treaties”, congressional–executive agreements, executive agreements pursuant to treaties, presidential (sole) executive agreements.

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