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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

E.R. Radevich Legal Regulation of Temporary Work in Italy

Abstract: This article examines an Italian experience in legal regulation of temporary work. On the basis of a thorough analysis of legislation and legal literature four stages in history of legal regulation of this kind of non–standard employment are determined, namely: 1) indirect prohibition of temporary work (from 1949 to 1960); 2) direct prohibition of temporary work (from 1960 to 1997); 3) legalization of temporary work (from 1997); 4) liberalization in the sphere of temporary work (from 2003 up to date). Consequently it is concluded, that direct prohibition of temporary work is not effective in present–day conditions and it is necessary to provide its detailed legal regulation, which taking into account both progressive foreign experience and national peculiarities.


Italy, non–standard employment, temporary work, temporary work agency, temporary worker, real employer, user enterprise, Treu Package, Biagi Law.

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