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Philosophy and Culture

Virin, M. M. Contribution of the Russian School of Researches o Evolution and Humankind Development into the Information Society Conception

Abstract: The article contains a review of the main provisions of prognosis theories introduced by famous Russian scientists from the point of view of economic, socio-political, cultural, scientific and environmental aspects of building a global information society. It is noted that unlike diversified and many-level futurological conceptions of the future suggested by Western scientists, Russian (Soviet) scientists demonstrated succession and methodological unity in their works, which, in fact, made them the ‘Russian school’. The author of the article describes M. Moiseev’s principles of development o information society and tools of collective intellect. The author also analyzes the global civilization model proposed by famous Russian scientists G. Osipova, B. Kuzykina and Yu. Yakovts which allows to study interactions between civilizations in the 6 aspects: geodemographic, geo environmental, geo technological, geo economic, geo political, geo social and cultural.


philosophy, futurology, information society, globalization, geo systems, evolution, co-evolution, socio-cultural, conception of the humankind future, trans-civilization model.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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