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Law and Politics

Lidzheeva, K.V. The means of individualization and their legal protection.

Abstract: In article the author analyzes means of an individualization as results of intellectual activity and their legal protection on the basis of the existing civil legislation. In particular the author analyzes service marks, commercial designations, place of origin of goods, trademarks, trade names, and other means of individualization. The author states that the value of means of individualization is undoubted, since on one hand they allow the customers to choose necessary goods easily, knowing that the producer bears guaranteed responsibility for the quality of goods and tries to improve it. On the other hand, individualization of subjects of entrepreneurial activity allows to establish state control over their activities and to protect the rights of holders.


Civil code of the Russian Federation, service marks, the intellectual rights, commercial designations, names of a place of an origin of the goods, individualization means, trade marks, company names.

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