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Culture and Art

Sevastyanova, S. S. Culmination at Screen Music Theatre

Abstract: Development of new technologies resulted in formation of a new artistic phenomenon in the art of the 20th century which was named ‘screen music theatre’. Considered peculiarities of culmination in different genres (screen opera, animated opera, musical comedy, concert and etc.) show a widely used practice of its occurrence at the point o the golden mean. However, besides parallel culmination there are also some examples of clear difference between audio and visual culminations. Possibilities of audio visual counter point, special effects method, variety of cutting rhythms in many ways transform stage musical plays on a screen. In a major piece of art culmination cannot be limited to a ‘point’, a bright but sole shot. It must be a zone where meanings, dynamics and expressive means are interwoven and interact.


history of art, screen music theatre, point of the golden mean, audo-visual counter point, parallel culmination, difference between culminations, synthetic art, visual plan, audio track, animated video clip.

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