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Culture and Art

Chervonnaya, S. M. Roger Garaudy’s Realism without Borders in Soviet Ideology

Abstract: Starting out from events half a century ago which were the result of Roger Garaudy’s ‘Realism without Borders’ and ideological campaign in the Soviet history of art and esthetics disapproving of this conception, the author views a set of problems related to the concept of borders in the social consciousness, culture, art and policy in a totalitarian nation. The author discovers system contradictions in the Soviet culture and ideology: the ‘state borders’ cult and starvation for exterior expansion at the same time; orientation at creation a common Soviet culture and new super-ethnical community, reinforcement of the moral and political unity of the Soviet society, elimination of the internal borders (between a city and a village, physical and mental labor, national and civilization areas) – and rigid system of clans in a socialistic society, implementation of nomenclature dissociations in all spheres of life. The ‘realism without borders’ formula became so popular because the need in fi rm borders as well as the need to destroy them were quite typical for opposing political parties: communists’ dictatorship which was based on isolation of the society from the bourgeois environment and opposition which sought the way out in the convergence of different worlds, connection of progressive movements, destruction of forced limits and formed its borers and opposed to damage of national traditions and moral values at the same time.


cultural studies, history of art, ideology, art, culture in a totalitarian society, the problem of borders, propaganda, convergence theory, totalitarianism, emigration.

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