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Administrative and municipal law

Kabanov, P. A. Legal Regulation of Efficiency Monitoring over Activity Performed by the Commission of Compliance with the Requirements for Official Behavior of State (Municipal) Officers and Management of the Conflict of Interests in the Republic of Tatarstan: Experience, Problems and Perspectives

Abstract: The article is devoted to the issues of monitoring of performance by the Commission of Compliance with the Requirements for Official Behavior of State (Municipal) Officers and Management of the Conflict of Interests at state and local authorities in the Republic of Tatarstan and suggests certain organizational and legal measures of improvement of performance evaluation of such activity.


conflict of interests, anti-corruption monitoring, municipal service, municipal officer, state service, state officer, Commission of Compliance with the Requirements for Official Behavior of State (Municipal) Officers a, performance evaluation, anti-corruption measures.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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