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Politics and Society

Makarin, A. V., Davydov, L. V. Social and Political Grounds of Reinforcement of the Ruling Party

Abstract: Reinforcement of the Ruling Party and raise of its electoral effi ciency from one electoral period to another occurred only when the ruling class extended its functions and invested funds in it. The more dividends the ruling class gets from the Ruling Party, the more funds it is ready to invest in the party (including administrative resources). The opposite tendency is there, too: The Ruling Party is interested in getting as many investments as necessary. It readily accept stem, undertake new functions and try to be effective. To a certain extent, it is the channel allowing new people to join the ruling class. For the Party is the guide of interests of both the ruling class and the groups this party is based on – political bureaucracy and middle layers of offi cials.


political science, party, power, class, resources, elections, nomenclature, politics, bureaucracy, offi cials.

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