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Philology: scientific researches

Ushakov, V. V. Russian Philosophical Goffmaniana

Abstract: The main goal of the article is to study the role and importance of Goffman’s late romanticism for the development of the Russian philosophical language. The author studies works by famous Russian philosophers such as V. S. Soloviev, P. A. Florensky, A. F. Losev and others. The purpose of the article is to show how the metaphors and images of Goffmaniana were used in Russian philosophical works of the 19th – 20th centuries. The method of research is the analysis from the point of view of literary critics and historical philosophy. The results of the study are numerous references to Goffman’s heritage in Russian philosophy. It allows to clarify the idea of connection between literature and philosophy in Russian culture as well as to point out some peculiarities of artistic impressions in Russian philosophy.


philology, Russian culture, Russian philosophy, Russian literature, esthetics, Goffmaniana, Goffman, Soloviev, Florensky, Losev.

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