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Law and Politics

Khachirova, D.K. Typology of state-to-state unions: key approaches.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the general theoretical aspects of the problem of classifi cation of state-to-state unions in both historical and modern contexts. The article includes the defi nitions of the key types of state-to-state unions. The authors also express the modern approaches to the singling out of the criteria for the unions of states via the category of integration. Then the author comes to a conclusion on the need to bring various classifi cations into one system, and to take historical and integration criteria as basic ones.


jurisprudence, state formation, state-to-state union, union of states, state sovereignty, integration of states, quasi-state, union, protectorate, legal relations.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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