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Pedagogy and education

Gritsay, L. A. The Problem of Life Meaning Values of Parenthood in N. I. Pirogov’s Anthropological Legacy

Abstract: The article studies parenthood as a philosophical and anthropological phenomenon discussed by a famous public figure of the 19th century N. I. Pirogov. The author of the article offers us a preferential analysis of the scientist’s views and based on the analysis he makes a conclusion about anthropological idealistic grounds of Pirogov’s views on life meaning values of parenthood deriving from the Christian ‘national’ world view. Based on such approach, the author views the three key components of the phenomenon of parenthood: axiological component which is defined by the higher meaning of the human existence that is revealed to the father and mother in Christian Revelation; selfcreative component which takes into account the need in a parent’s ‘self knowledge’, constant work on a personal self-improvement; and educational which is based on the parent’s main mission to be the first and the most important teacher of his children. It all allows to conclude that N. I. Pirogov understood the phenomenon of parenthood as a path of human spiritual development which final meaning is associated with the highest purpose of existence in Christianity and that defines the fate of the humankind on earth.


pedagogy, parenthood, motherhood, fatherhood, the meaning of parenthood, values of parenthood, anthropological approach, national world view, up-bringing, personality.

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