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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

S.U. Kashkin Basic Trends of Development of Foreign, International and European Law

Abstract: The article analyses the evolution as a result of globalization of the interaction of national law, law of integration and international law during the last 25 years. The mechanisms of legal regulation of social relations in integration organizations are studied on the example of the European Union. Special attention is given to examination the new sources of law and the dialectics of their application on the national, supranational and international levels. The new features and qualitative characteristics of the EU law are dealt with. The author comes to the conclusion that with the formation of the supranational law in the form of the European Union, being a separate system of law in itself, the former world system of law has substantially changed. The stages of the evolution of the law of integration and its perspectives are formulated.


Trends, international, national, integration, European, regional, regulation, mechanism, evolution, principles, sources, development.

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