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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

I.K. Yeleusizova Introduction of the Utility Model in Civil Circulation under Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Abstract: The article deals with topical issues of implementation of a utility model into civil circulation according to the Republic of Kazakhstan legislation. In the course of writing the article the author has studied the legal nature of the utility model as the object of industrial property in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as legislation that strengthens the rule of law regulating the issuance of a title of protection, emergence and protection of exclusive rights on the utility model, as well as legal nature service and secret utility models. Recommendations for improvement of legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan aimed to regulate the utility model as the object of industrial property developed based on the analysis of international practice and legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Articles and monographs of the well–known domestic and foreign civil lawyers in Intellectual Property Law and Industrial Property, the regulations covering the legal regulation of the utility model, as well as statistical data in the study area during the period from 2002 to 2010 in the Republic of of Kazakhstan were considered for scientific research.


utility model, patent legislation, secret utility models, service utility models, inventions, industrial property, patentability, patent office, innovation patent.

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