Culture and Art
Epishin, A. S. (2011). The Image of a Revolutionary – Prisoner in Russian
Fine Art in 1880-1910. Culture and Art, 6, 98–101.
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Culture and Art
Epishin, A. S. (2011). The Image of a Revolutionary – Prisoner in Russian
Fine Art in 1880-1910. Culture and Art, 6, 98–101.
Epishin, A. S. The Image of a Revolutionary – Prisoner in Russian Fine Art in 1880-1910Abstract: The article reveals peculiarities of the image of a revolutionary – populist in fi ne arts at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century and its transformation under the infl uence of events ongoing in Russia in those times. Special attention is paid at the creative works by Iterinants such as I. E. Repin and his follower N. I. Verkhoturov as well as N. A. Kasatkin. Keywords: art history, revolutionary – populist, ‘Popular Will; socialist revolutionary, proletarian, Museum of the Revolution, fi rst Russian revolution in 1905-1907, intellectual – commoner, fi ne art, Iterinants.
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