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Philosophy and Culture

Ryazanov, D. S. The Concept of the ‘Islamic State’ in Sayyid Qutub’s ‘Milestones’

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to analyze views of one of the major Islamic ideologists Sayyid Qutub on the ‘Islamic State’, its features and methods of formation. Most attention is paid at the analysis of the book ‘Milestones’. The author of the article gives definitions of the basic concepts introduced by Qutub such as Jahiliyyah and Hakimiyyah and defines where these ideas derived from. The article shows that Islamic scientists- theologists and public figures’ views on Qutub vary widely which proves that, firstly, Islamism is not the unified whole and secondly, there are different interpretations of Qutub’s works.


philosophy, socio-political views in the states of the Islamic East, Islamism, Qutub, Muslim Brotherhood, radicalism, Jihad, Jahiliyyah, Hakimiyyah, Egypt.

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