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Police activity

Alikhadzhieva I.S. Criminal and administrative regulation of the combat with the offenses that are encouraging prostitution

Abstract: the article is focused on the research of the present day model of the combat with offences encouraging prostitution with the help of criminal deterrence and administrative means (“Engagement in prostitution” (Art. 6.11. Administrative Code RF) and “Getting profit from engagement in prostitution” (Art. 6.12. Administrative Code RF)). The work suggests a concept how to counteract prostitution as a social phenomenon, crimes encouraging prostitution or committed in the sphere of sex service as well as a range of legislative means in the sphere of administrative and criminal elimination of the negative consequences of prostitution. The work suggests definite formulas of the new administrative instructions from the perspective of legalization of prostitution with the help of summarizing of the law making, judicial and investigative experience in offences and crimes encouraging prostitution.


administrative responsibility, the legalization of prostitution, prostitution, receiving the proceeds of prostitution, prostitution and commercial sexual work, involvement in prostitution, the organization of prostitution, the judicial practice

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