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Alpatov, V. M. Regarding Marxism in the Science of Language

Abstract: Being the Þ rst article devoted to I. V. Stalin’s famous works in the science of language published in the Pravda Newspaper in 1950, this article views the Þ rst and the most voluminous text with the title ‘Regarding Marxism in the Science of Language’ published in the 20 June issue of the newspaper. The author shows that Stalin set the tree tasks of the Soviet science of language: liquidation of the Arakcheev regime, waiving Nicolas Marr’s mistakes and introduction of Marxism into the science of language.


discussion of the science of language issues, criticism of a ‘new teaching about the language’, environment of the 1920th, introduction of Marxism into the study of language, relation between the language and the superstructure, class nature of the language, the national languages issue, dialects and talks, evolutional nature of the language development.

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