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Open access articles

Gulieva M.E. Convention on the international legal status of the Caspian Sea – a treaty that would determine the fate of the region
Published in journal "SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences", № 4, 2014
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.4.66008

This article examines the issue of international legal status of the Caspian Sea. It is first and foremost the issue of rights to the area and resources of the Caspian Sea. It is also the matter of national security for all Caspian bordering countries. This has become a key concern for the five Caspian Sea nations for over 20 years. The method of this research is the legal comparative analysis of the multilateral agreement that was supposed to solidify the maritime borders of the coastal nations. Despite the fact that this treaty was proposed as a multilateral agreement, or as a declaration, it ultimately pursued a precise goal: to define the maritime boundaries, rights and responsibilities of the coastal nations and therefore, divide the extensive natural resources of the Caspian Sea. The conclusion is that there is yet to be a resolution reached on the subject of the international legal status of the Caspian Sea. Acceptance of the Convention is expected to take place during the fifth summit of the leaders of Caspian nations, which should take place in Kazakhstan. This multilateral document will finally resolve the age-old question: is the Caspian a sea, or a lake?!

Abgarjan D. The Place of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in progressive development of the law of the sea
Published in journal "SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences", № 4, 2014
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.4.66007

The author of this presentation sees it her task to find out, whether the ITLOS has helped to systematize the law of the sea, to make its rules more clear and obligations of states stemming therefrom more precise.
The methodology of this paper is to undertake the analysis of the following questions: to begin with the general capacity of international courts to promote development of international law; then to light up the special place of ITLOS in the development of the law of the sea;
to analyze the work by ITLOS on the law of the sea rules in different spheres of the ocean activity case by case; and to conclude. A very special place occupied by the International Tribunal for the of the Sea in progressive development of the law of the sea is dicussed in the article. It is submitted that ITLOS follows the ways and methods of the ICJ in the process. No other judicial body is capable to analize in detail rules of the law of the sea neither can influence positions of states.

Riekkinen M.A. Residence Registration as a Condition for the Implementation of Human Rights and Freedoms: International Legal Aspect
Published in journal "SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences", № 4, 2014
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.4.66006

The article provides an overview of the legal issues related to residence registration, both in the former Soviet Union and in Europe. In the former Soviet Union, the issues of residence registration are associated with the remnants of the propiska system in the legal systems of individual states, as well as with the imperfection of modern population registration systems. In the European context, such problems are related mainly to the issue of irregular migrants. The author systematizes the recommendations of international human rights bodies in relation to the optimization of the residence registration system. She uses examples of legislative solutions found by Scandinavian countries. International law provides us with a large amount of political, socio-economic and cultural rights. However, most of the rights are provided only if a person has official documents and registration. Residence registration is one of the necessary conditions for fundamental human rights.

Ursul A.D. Global Research and Evolutionary Approach
Published in journal "SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences", № 4, 2014
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.4.66005

This article examines the intensive and brightly expressed process of the globalization of science, which is an integral part of the global revolutionary transformations that unfold in many spheres of the human activity. These changes reflect the global trend of development of the modern science concentrated on the research of global processes and systems and the synergetic phenomenon that is associated with them – global development. This trend of the examined interdisciplinary research leads to a specific form of scientific knowledge, which is called the global knowledge. This type of knowledge reflects all global processes and systems that exist on the planet Earth from the perspective of their planetary integrity and evolutionary significance. A special attention is given to the methods and approaches used in a global research; i.e. the evolutionary and interdisciplinary approaches, and those that are associated with the geographic and time span in the subject area of the global research. An attempt was also made to implement integrative-interdisciplinary scientific methods and concepts in order to forecast the emergence of the new global scientific directions. Use of the evolutionary approach in the global research, which has recently been proposed by the author of this article, provided the ability to determine new scientific directions such as paleoglobalistics, futuroglobalistics, cosmoglobalistics, and a number of other areas of scientific search. The use of the evolutionary approach within the global research suggests that they will be more effectively studied based on the ideas and principles of the global (universal) evolutionism. It is expected that a new, evolutionary stage of global research will arise, and will concentrate attention on the global development.

Бураков С.В., Залога А.Н., Панькин С.И., Семенкин Е.С., Якимов И.С. Применение самоконфигурируемого генетического алгоритма для моделирования атомной кристаллической структуры химических соединений по данным рентгеновской дифракции
Published in journal "Программные системы и вычислительные методы", № 4, 2014
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0714.2014.4.65867

Предметом исследования в данной работе является оценка возможности и степени эффективности применения самоконфигурирующегося генетического алгоритма глобальной оптимизации (СГА) для автоматизации задачи определения атомной кристаллической структуры новых веществ по данным порошковой рентгеновской дифракции. Предложенный вариант алгоритма СГА исследован на задаче определения известной кристаллической структуры химического соединения Ba2CrO4, в которой требовалось найти расположение 7-ми независимых атомов в элементарной кристаллической ячейке. Для анализа эффективности и определения частоты сходимости структурных моделей к истинной структуре этого вещества в процессе эволюционного поиска было сделано несколько десятков запусков СГА с различными размерами популяций структурных моделей и типами генетических операций. Суть метода самоконфигурирования состоит в том, что подбор оптимальных генетических операторов селекции, скрещивания и мутации из предложенного множества их возможных вариантов производится самим алгоритмом СГА в ходе решения задачи. Вероятности для операторов быть выбранными для генерации очередного поколения популяции структурных моделей адаптируются, исходя из успешности эволюции с помощью этих операторов на предыдущем поколении. Это приводит к автоматическому выбору наилучших операторов, обеспечивающих сходимость структурных моделей к истинной кристаллической структуре. Одной из основных проблем, препятствующих применению стохастических эволюционных генетических алгоритмов для структурного анализа, является необходимость нетривиального эмпирического подбора генетических операторов. Применение самоконфигурируемого генетического алгоритма для автоматизации выбора оптимальных генетических операторов в задаче моделирования атомной кристаллической структуры химических соединений по данным рентгеновской дифракции предложено впервые. При определении кристаллической структуры Ba2CrO4 по СГА достигнута частота сходимости к истинной структуре этого вещества 80%. Это создает возможность разработки автоматизированного эволюционного генетического алгоритма структурного анализа по рентгенодифракционным данным.

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