Systems analysis , search, analysis and information filtering
Panov, A.Y., Trofimova, M.S., Kosenkov, N.V. (2017). Corporate information system of maintenance of stages of the APQP procedure as instrument of development of suppliers of autocomponents. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 1–10.
The article is devoted to development of the universal corporate information system (IS) of maintenance of stages of the procedure "Advanced Product Quality Planning" (APQP), which would allow to enhance a production process of autocomponents on domestic enterprises and to increase quality of products. The feature of the offered IS is application of functional formulas of the description of the issued autocomponents instead of a product name that will allow to distinguish unambiguously details taking into account their functional and constructive and technological signs. The object of probe is process of information maintenance of stages of planning and design of automobile components for trucks. The subject of research are information communications between processes of the procedure APQP. Research methods: system approach, methodology of the description of business-processes DFD, methods of the system analysis, functional systematization, theory of algorithms. Scientific novelty of a research consists in application of methodology of functional systematization when developing an information system of support of the procedure APQP. Application of functional formulas of the description of details instead of names and codes allows to designate unambiguously the details necessary for the consumer projected, made and used in operation taking into account their key parameters. Thus, in case of receipt of claims, there is possible a fast information search about a detail and the subsequent effective work on improvement of quality of products.
functional systematization, Advance planning of quality, Automobile component, Supplier, Maintenance of production processes, Information system, DFD-chart, DBMS, Computer program, taxon
Trub, I. (2017). On the distribution of bitmap indexes quantity for an arbitrary flow of writing data to a database. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 11–21.
The subject of the study is the problem of calculating distribution of probabilities of the number of unit intervals for a time interval of a given length, on which at least one event of some random flow predetermined by arbitrary probability distribution occurs. The applied value of this task is that its solution gives an estimate of the number of bitmap-indexes falling into the result of a query to a database filtered by a time range. The object of the study is the mathematical model of the problem constructed by means of the theory of probability, and the methods of obtaining numerical results with its usage. The methodology of the research is a detailed decomposition of the random flow of events, taking into account the applied logic of the problem being solved and the derivation on the basis of methods of probability theory of equations satisfied by the desired distribution function. An important part of the methodology is the use of the Laplace transform apparatus and the application of the convolution theorem. The main result of the study is the formulation of the original problem of queuing theory and the derivation of its solution in the form of a system of integral recurrence equations for a set of auxiliary piecewise continuous functions whose totality allows to obtain the final function. The author formulates a computational algorithm for solving the resulting system. The article shows that, for the case of an exponential distribution, the solution immediately obtained, because of its simplicity, satisfies the system of integral equations.
integral equation, conditional probability, exponential distribution, bitmap index, probability density function, random flow of events, queueing theory, Laplace transformation, convolution, boundary conditions
Automated systems of engineering process administration
Zavyalov, D., Zakharova, A.A., Shklyar, A.V., Bagutdinov, R.A. (2017). An integrated approach to modeling by an example of a landfill of disposal of liquid oil waste. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 22–30.
The article proposes an integrated approach to modeling, which consists of the complement of geological models of reservoir with models of infrastructure objects. The authors also present the method of communication between these models in area of the landfill of disposal of liquid oil waste. The proposed approach allows applying the principle of multi-level hierarchy of models of objects for various tasks with an appropriate degree of detail. Using this approach, it is possible to obtain an integrated 3D-model of the deposit or landfill that includes detailed geological static model of the reservoir, dynamic forecasting model of its development or injection of waste, as well as model of ground-based infrastructure of the deposit, with varying degrees of detail. The method developed by authors allows to pair models of different types and to supplement models of geological formations by the technological models of infrastructure. The proposed integrated approach to modeling of deposits and landfills of waste disposal and to the management of the extraction implements the principle of a multi-level hierarchy of models of objects of varying degrees of detail. The developed method of data exchange between models allows supplementing geological models of layers with technological models of objects of ground infrastructure introducing the interfacing of models of different types to create a complex model. This approach allows improving the quality of risk assessment in the performance of the forecast by uniting all specialists into a single system with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of operational management. The application of this approach allows evaluating the full complex of development risks more qualitatively than separate modeling of processes.
risk assessment, integrated modeling, infrastructure modeling, oil field simulation, landfill, geological 3D-modeling, simulation, visualization, integrated approach, hierarchy of models
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
The article focuses on the theoretical basis of the development and dash board application in the system of quantitative and qualitative control of staff in enterprises. The author examines in detail the example of a decision support system in the form of a "holistic" system based on the evaluation of the complexity of work using integrated assessment methods combined with an assessment of the qualifications of specialists in order to determine the effective fund of working time of each of them based on the assumption of productivity growth as a result of continuing education. The paper demonstrates a compromise solution in accordance with the "management grid". The solution is aimed at cooperation in solving the problem of optimizing the quantitative and qualitative composition of specialists that ensure the performance of works related to the development and implementation of projects of the enterprise. The novelty of the application of integrated assessment methods for the purpose of assessing the complexity of work is undeniable, because previously this approach was never used for these purposes. The dash board, built on the basis of self-normalization, the methods of complex assessment of the complexity of work and the agreement of opinions, allows to model possible solutions, to justify in the forecast period the optimal qualitative and quantitative composition. The dash board build by the authors is one of the important tools for increasing the efficiency of the activities of specialists and the enterprise as a whole. Previously a comparison of the qualifications of employees reflected in the change in the effective fund of working hours with the complexity of the work performed was not used, since only the assessment of the ability of specialists to perform certain jobs was made, whereas this material indicates the fact of productivity growth as a result of growing qualifications.
qualitative composition of staff, optimization of the number, dash board, coordination of forecasting opinions, comprehensive evaluation, decision support, management grid, conflict of interest, modeling, efficiency
Systems analysis , search, analysis and information filtering
Bagutdinov, R. (2017). Epistemological aspects of the definition of purpose and composition of vision systems in the design and development tasks of robotic systems. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 39–45.
In robotics complexes as in the living world, the main kind of sensation is vision. The first systems of technical (computer) vision used in the means of robotics copied the organs of vision of living organisms and have evolved in a following sequence: black and white monocular vision systems, color, stereoscopic and multi-angle systems with various options for hardware implementation. The article points out some aspects of the historical course of events in development of vision systems. The author analyses existing approaches to the implementation of vision systems in the tasks of robotics. The paper presents the formulation of the problem, describes the problems of designing vision systems and development of robotic complexes, shows modern ways of solving these problems. Methods of epistemology, epistemology and system analysis are applied. The issue of universal robotics in recent years is in the focus of research attention. There are many works devoted to this problem. However, the author decided to study this problem from different perspectives, applying not only philosophical and epistemological aspects, but also from the point of view of a systematic approach to the problem. A special contribution of the author in the study of the topic is the general systematization of the actual problems of introducing vision systems into robotic complexes and the definition of the main functions and purpose of such systems.
appointment of vision systems, functions of vision systems, machine vision, vision systems, gnoseological aspects, robotic systems, system analysis, posing problems, control and processing, 3D
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
Bondarenko, M.A., Drynkin, V.N., Nabokov, S.A., Pavlov, Y.V. (2017). Adaptive algorithm for selecting informative channels in on-board multispectral video systems. Software systems and computational methods, 1, 46–52.
The article reviews algorithmic support of multispectral video systems in the part of automatic selection of the most informative channels, which are video sensors of different spectral ranges, forming images of different informativeness depending on weather conditions. Such systems can be used to increase the awareness of aircraft pilots or operators of unmanned aerial vehicles in difficult weather conditions. The usage of these algorithms is considered using the example of airborne systems of improved (enhanced) vision where it is necessary to give the pilot a single combined image of the external situation, due to the limited space of the information-control field of the cockpit and the increased requirements for decision-making. The development and research was carried out using the base of video sequences obtained in the course of real flight experiments of the prototype of a three-channel video system as well as expert judgment on the consistency of the results of the work of algorithms with visual perception. The study is the further development of image analysis algorithms in terms of their informativeness. The article proposes a new adaptive algorithm for automatic selection of individual video channels for their subsequent integration based on the information-free metric of informativity. The proposed automatic calculation of the priority of video channels for informativeness showed its consistency with the subjective perception of useful information by the human operator.
multispectral system, computer vision system, human-machine interface, image fusion, combined images, visual perception, image information value, evaluation of the information value, image analysis, enhanced vision system