International conflicts
Iakovlev, E.A. (2021). Russia and the peculiarities of settling international conflicts in the XXI century. International relations, 4, 1–14.
Being one of the world's leading powers the Russian Federation is the “constructor” of the modern world order, as well as the beneficiary of the modern system of international relations; therefore, peacekeeping holds the key position in foreign policy of the Russian Federation. Russia's contribution to the development of peacekeeping activity and settlement of military conflicts not only designates the role of the Russian Federation in international relations, but also characterizes the capability of the entire international system to face against military conflicts. This substantiates the relevance of studying the degree of participation of the Russian Federation in peacekeeping operations and settling military conflicts. Comprehensive analysis is conducted on the actions of the Russian Federation aimed at settling military conflicts. The conclusion is made that the Russian Federation can be engaged in settling military conflicts using traditional combat operations in most escalated part of the conflict. The capabilities and restrictions of the state form the role of the Russian Federation in settling military conflicts as traditional powerful, which in fact does not allow acting autonomously to the exclusion of other states or as a part of coalition to avoid severe diplomatic and reputational losses. Such narrow focus is justified by the current state of affairs and is not a constant at all times. For more active and full participation of the Russian Federation in settling international conflicts, it is feasible to develop the soft power components of peacekeeping activity, as well as evade the attempts of conduct peacekeeping operations outside of large intergovernmental coalitions.
multinational coalition, Russia's peacekeeping policy, unconventional military actions, Russian foreign policy, international conflict, military conflict, peacemaking, conflict resolution, China's peacekeeping policy, US peacekeeping policy
Question at hand
Filipović, A. (2021). Vaccine diplomacy during the COVID-19 pandemic on the example of the Republic of Serbia. International relations, 4, 15–31.
The global COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented in scale and scope. The COVID-19 vaccines have not only become an indispensable weapon in the fight against the pandemic but also served as a sign of the technological and scientific prestige of the countries that developed them. While the term "vaccine diplomacy" is not new, it may have become much more relevant in times of global pandemic. The aim of this research is to analyze the vaccine diplomacy of China, the EU, and Russia towards Serbia during the global COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, the study also presents Serbia's efforts to engage in its own vaccine diplomacy at the global level. The novelty of this research can be seen in a comparative analysis of the efforts of the "vaccine diplomacy" of the EU, China, and Russia towards Serbia. In addition, this research also presents the results of the survey data on Serbian citizens and their perceptions of foreign aid received during the pandemic. It can be concluded that the Chinese and Russian medical aid to Serbia were very well received by the Serbian government, government-aligned media, and the Serbian public. Concerning the aid of the European Union, it was neither significantly advertised by the media, nor was the Serbian public perception significantly changed in the favour of the EU. At the same time, the Serbian government engaged in vaccine diplomacy of its own, to strengthen the ties with Yugoslavia's former allies from the Non-Alignment Movement.
China, Russia, Serbia, global pandemic, Coronavirus, vaccine diplomacy, European Union, Áàëêàíû, Euroscepticism, mask diplomacy
Russian foreign policy
Trifonova, E.D., Tavberidze, D.V. (2021). Assessment of the goals of the Russian Federation in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization given by French researchers. International relations, 4, 32–39.
The subject of this research is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the goals of the Russian Federation therein. This article aims to fill the gap in French historiography and analyze the goals of the Russian Federation in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization through the prism of French researchers. An overview is given to the assessment given by French authors to Russia’s goals in this organization at the stage of its foundation, establishment and development, as well as the overall goals of the Russian foreign policy in post-Soviet space and Central Asia. Special attention is given to the security and energy issues, as well as the growing influence of China and the United States in Central Asia. The relevance of this work is substantiated by the analysis of French research dedicated to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the goals of the Russian Federation therein, which is carried out for the first time. For article leans on the monographs and articles by the French historians, political scientists, and experts in the area of international relations dedicated to foreign policy of the Russian Federation in the early 1990s – late 2000s and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The conclusion is made that according to the majority of French researchers, the Russian Federation uses the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to strengthen its positions in Central Asia, as well as on the international arena.
Collective Security Treaty Organization, EurAsEC, post-Soviet space, Central Asia, China, French researchers, Russian Federation, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, CIS, foreign policy goals
Question at hand
Babintseva, E.A., Trifonova, E.D. (2021). On the environmental history of chemical munitions disposal at the bottom of the Baltic Sea: “Nord Stream” projects . International relations, 4, 40–47.
Bases on the example of Baltic Region, the question is raised on the conservation of water resources in the context of environmental history and international cooperation. Special attention is given to the threats and risks of anthropogenic interference in the zones of chemical weapons disposal at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. The key goal of this research lies in comprehensive assessment and approach towards the problem of negative human interference into the natural environment of the Baltic water area. The article considers the instances of the emergence of a direct threat of environmental disaster, as well as a range of factors that reflect the consequences of postwar historical events. Assessment is given to the actual risks of the emergence of high level of threat to hydrological resources and adjacent territories. The novelty of this article consists in examination of the danger caused by chemical munitions disposal in the Baltic Sea in the context of construction of the “Nord Stream” and “Nord Stream – 2” export gas pipelines. The conclusion is made on the high risk of depressurization of submerged ships with chemical disposal due to inadvertent operation in the water area and neglect of the regulated environmental norms and standards. The authors note politicization of the environmental assessment of activity of the curators of the “Nord Stream” project; indicate their scrupulous compliance with the international environmental standards and territorial planning of construction in hazardous zones. The authors consider the impossibility of elimination of the negative impact of distribution of harmful substances in the Baltic Sea; however, note the possibility of minimizing the risks and maintaining the stability of the inland sea in the conditions of further anthropogenic exploitation.
Skagerrak, Bornholm, ecological catastrophy, ecology, Nord Stream, chemical weapon, Baltic Sea, environmental history, HELCOM, environment
Challenges and threats to international security
Marzoeva, T.G. (2021). Transformation of the U. S. National Strategy for Counterterrorism during the presidency of Barack Obama . International relations, 4, 48–58.
Tracing the evolution of Barack Obama's National Strategy for Counterterrorism is relevant for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, foreign policy and globalist trends were the reason for coming to power of the next president-isolationist Donald Trump. Secondly, many experts believe that the current administration of the White House pursues a successive foreign policy course namely in relation to the concept of B. Obama. And ultimately, consideration of the factors that affect the transformation of foreign policy strategy, and its counterterrorism component in particular, may contribute to forecasting similar processes under other administrations. The conclusion is made that Barack Obama preferred multilateral cooperation over unilateral coercive course; and the vector towards harmonization of relations with the Muslim world triggered the revision of the “struggle against terrorism” paradigm of George Bush Jr. B. Obama’s administration declared the transition from the concept of preventive strikes towards the concept of “smart power” and “leading from behind”, which manifested in the course of anti-terrorist operation in Syria. The author notes that the activity of Barack Obama in countering international terrorism is characterized by the departure from the tactics of conducting large-scale and costly wars of George Bush Jr. to joint targeted counterterrorism operations.
USA, International conflicts, Multilateral Diplomacy, National security, Middle East, Military operations, Strategy, Barack Obama, Fight against terror, George Bush