International image of the state
Petrovich-Belkin, O.K., Sergevtseva, A.S., Goretskaya, V.V. (2020). Education policy as an element of “soft power” in Great Brittan . International relations, 1, 1–17.
Usage of “soft power” as a foreign policy resource is currently present in majority of countries, but the effectiveness and response from the soft power strategy among leading countries is much higher than that of emerging centers of power. This article presents the analysis of the transition from “hard power” to “soft power”, examining the most competitive area – education policy, which represents the key vector of humanitarian diplomacy on advancement of national interests. In addition to assessment of the British education potential, the article also demonstrates how Brittan’s policy affects the foreign policy and country’s position in the port, defines the potential of influence upon other countries in the context attractiveness of British national culture and values, as well as sets the global trends for education policy. In the course of daily research of the resource of “soft power”, the research employs the data on measurement of “hard-soft power”, ratings of assessment of the index of “soft power” (The Soft Power 30), QS World University Ranking; utilizes the data on the number of foreign students in UK; conducts comparative analysis of the changes in the UK education policy in the conditions of Brexit. The relevance of this research is defined by the heightened interest towards soft-power component, which allows to not only be more flexible in the approach towards advancement of national interests, but also contributes to influence of other countries in the context of “soft power”.
European Union, Brexit, rating of «soft power», index of «soft power», cooperation, education, United kingdom, soft power, foreign policy, influence
Political modernization of international relations
Amuhaya, C.A., Moraru, N. (2020). European migration security moral dilemma: case study of migration flows between 2015 and 2019. International relations, 1, 18–29.
Whenever any state’s sovereignty is threatened, its first instinct is to protect itself. In 2015, the European Union was in the spotlight, recording unprecedented numbers of migrants, and as a result, refugee camps deteriorated to deplorable conditions. Illegal migration was perceived as a security threat in Europe, and member-states were forced to take measures that compromise the very foundation of the European Union. Suddenly, their policies were fuelled with anti-immigration sentiments; anti-immigration operations and agreements between the EU and migrants’ countries of origin were conducted and signed, as well as tougher border security policies were put in place, including fences. This resulted in record-low numbers of illegal migration by 2019. This article will analyze European Union’s foreign policy on illegal migration between 2015 and 2019, while underscoring the extreme measures that some states within the EU took to mitigate migration. This research highlights the moral dilemma posed by many Human Rights Organizations, putting into question Europe’s moral compass and values. A conclusion is made that in the matters of security, states are willing to take a moral backseat in order to safeguard its security and position in the global system.
sea patrol, walls and fences, border control, policies, internal and external security, moral dilemma, illegal migration, refugees, Europe, European Union
Concepts of political structure of the world
Aldaghestani, W.S. (2020). International assistance to the Kingdom of Jordan. International relations, 1, 30–40.
This article discusses the questions of providing assistance by foreign countries and international organizations to the Kingdom of Jordan. Jordan is in the grip of Syrian crisis reflected in arrival of a significant number of refugees. This, in turn, affects the deterioration of the economic situation and security in the state. Jordan has received assistance from the Gulf Cooperation Council that played a key role in aiding Jordan during the local protests. The article uses the content analysis for declarations of Jordan, initiated by the Ministry of International Cooperation; as well as complex approach towards understanding an international subject that greatly contributes to this assistance. It is concluded the most assistance is provided by the United States and the neighboring Arab countries, which influences the political views of Jordan upon regional crucial problems. At the same time, Jordan faces financial deficit that led to organization of local demonstration on the Kingdom and put the Jordanian government into a situation of serious crisis.
International organizations, Donor countries, Syrian crisis, Economic crisis, International Financing, International assistance to Jordan, Gulf Cooperation council, Demonstrations, international Aid, American assistance
Global cooperation
Starkin, S.V., Fomenkov, A.A., Rakhmanov, N.V. (2020). The problems of development of the unified normative-legal base in the area of fighting terrorist threats on the global scale . International relations, 1, 41–50.
The authors examine the main problems regarding the development of international legal framework in the area of fighting terrorism, including the elaboration of the universal definition of the phenomenon of “terrorism” and “international terrorism”. The analysis of legal systems of the leading countries indicates the differences in national legislations in the sphere of fighting terrorism, which creates difficulties on the global scale, since each state has the own representation on this phenomenon, and thus, the means of counteraction. Such gaps in the international law is beneficial for the United State to ensure national interests. The main conclusions lie in the thesis that the global community is currently incapable of developing the unified normative-legal base in the area of fighting terrorism, namely in pertains to consolidation of the universal definition of this phenomenon within the framework of the United Nations. Among the main reasons, the authors highlight the problem of cooperation of the national legal systems on the global scale in this sphere, as well as unwillingness of some countries to fulfill prior commitments.
national law, UN, international law, global security, countering terrorism;, growing terrorist threat, terrorism, USA, war in Iraq, terrorist organizations
History of international relations
Penkov, V.F., Alfedeilat, F. (2020). Palestinian political regime in the era of British colonization of 1917-1948: political-legal aspect. International relations, 1, 51–60.
The core of the Palestinian political regime takes its roots in the course of the struggle for independence against British occupation government that attempted to establish Jewish State in the territory of Western Palestine. This research examines the history of Palestine under the British Mandate after the World War I. The object of this article is Palestine in the time of creation of post-colonial system of international relations; while the subject is the political-legal aspects of Palestinian political regime during British colonization period of 1917-1948. The article is based on the political-retrospective analysis of regional situation. The authors were able to determine the factors that contributed to the emergence of Arab-Israeli conflict; reveal the state of Palestinian internal political forces and actors, their impact upon the political regime of Palestinian State; as we;; as well as identify the potential conflict risk zones within the Arab leadership. Analysis of the regional situation allows formulating approaches towards forecasting the course of events.
British colonization, The Constitution Of Palestine, Mandate for Palestine, Balfour Declaration, Palestine, Palestinian Political Regime, Arab League, UN resolution, Palestinian National Authority, Israel