Theory and methodology of international relations
Amuhaya, C.A. (2019). International Relations as a field of study in Universities in Kenya. International relations, 1, 1–8.
Africa is taking a new centre stage on global issues sparking debates about Africa’s place in international relations. This new interest has led to current researchers addressing the gap especially on its History and its contribution to world politics that is mainly addressed through International Relations. This is so as most was written by past scholars who had a Eurocentric conception and invention of Africa. As such, books like ‘Recentering Africa in International relations” has recently been written generating a lot of discourse in the field. “By way of epistemological critique, we seek to rethink the discipline of international relations by foregrounding the experiences of Africa to historical and ongoing processes of world order and global power, interrogating the power dynamics and epistemological configurations of the discipline and the fetishes of its dominant practitioners.” It is against this backdrop that this article will analyse international relations course in Kenya and fill the gaps in the understanding of the course as a current field of study in the country based on its historical changes. Through this the author will show that Africa and indeed a country like Kenya is deeply embedded in the Western education system and it’s in need of a complete overhaul in order for it to create its own imprint in International Relations.
Researchers, Research, Africa, Study, Education, Universities, Courses, International Relations, Kenya, Colonisation
Theory and methodology of international relations
Gbadebo, A. (2019). Analysis of Nigeria’s Foreign Policy with the European Union, France and Germany: A Narrative. International relations, 1, 9–15.
Traditionally, the relationship between Nigeria and Western countries is rooted in their long-standing economic ties, political and other common values its people share, coupled with Nigerians in the Diaspora and western businesses established in Nigeria. Since its independence in 1960, the African giant has strategically made contacts with many international organizations to help maximize its foreign policy potentials. Nigerian foreign policy gives much credence to the European Union as a strategic partner and an opportunity for her to capitalize and define a feasible cooperation policy framework for its cooperation with Europe, based on values and interests that unite Nigeria and members of the European Union. It seeks to analyze how such foreign policy manifest into Nigeria's potentials in trade cooperation and development at large.
Diplomatic dialogue, Bilateral, Agreement, Cooperation, Africa, European Union, Nigeria, Foreign policy, Multilateral, Development
History of international relations
Gorelova, L.A. (2019). British Politicians and Diplomats about Development Prospects of the British-Soviet Relations. International relations, 1, 16–25.
The article is devoted to the need to develop a new British-USSR policy faced by Winston Churchill after the conservatives won the parliamentary election of 1951. In her research Gorelova demonstrates differences in approaching the aforesaid task by the prime minister and foreign service officers at Foreign Office. By analyzing the correspondence between Winston Churchill and Presidents Harry Truman and Dwight David Eisenhower, Gorelova proves that the USA had a certain influence on the foreign policy of the Great Britain already in early 1950s. In her research Gorelova has applied special methods of historical research such as the narrative method that allows to successively reconstruct approaches of the Great Britain to their relations with the USSR in 1951 - 1953; histrorical genetic method that reveals the sources of the cold war; and comparative method that allows to demonstrate peculiarities of the Great Britain and USA policies towards the USSR. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the Russian historiography, based on the analysis of the British National Archives, Gorelova reconstructs the foreign policy of the Great Britain in relation to the USSR for the period since October 1951 till June 1953. The main conclusion is that Winston Churchill's initiative to establish relatinos with the USSR through top level negotiations did not have adequate consideration at Foreign Office whose officials had only the cold war in their mind. For them, positive changes in the British-Soviet relations would create a threat for the West military and political integration which would, in its turn, give advantages to the USSR. From their point of view, bilateral relations with Moscow would be even more threatful because could create difficulties in the British-American relations.
Cold War, conservative government, Molotov, US-Soviet relations, British-American relations, Eisenhower, Foreign Office, British-Soviet relations, UK foreign policy, Malenkov
History of international relations
TIAN, E. (2019). Central Asian Studies in China: the History, Current Status and Leading Research Centers. International relations, 1, 26–38.
The subject of the rsearch is the studies of Central Asia in China. The author of the research focuses on the history, origin and deveopment of Chinese centers for Central Asia studies. The author lists the leading research centers and their academic journals and analyze the main areas of Central Asian research at the modern state. The rationale of the research is caused by the all-sided reinforcement of relations between the People's Republic of China and Central Asian states and thus, the need to clarify how China interprets the history of Central Asian states and understands their role in modern international relations, what diplomatic policy China has been following in relation to Central Asian countries, etc. The research is based on the analysis of original Chinese publications on Central Asian countries. At the end of the research the author concludes that Central Asian studies have a long history in China, however, officially they have been created only recently and the 1990s was marked with a new stage of these studies.
China, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, central Asia, institutes of Central Asian studies, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, SCO
Theory and methodology of international relations
Dyduck, C. (2019). International Relations as a Field of Studies in Universities in Senegal. International relations, 1, 39–42.
Africa occupies a new focal point in global issues, causing debate on the place of Africa in international relations. This new interest prompted scientists to fill a gap in the scientific contribution between the role of Africa in contemporary world affairs and its history. Thus, the following article wishes to highlight how international relations are studied and presented in the universities of Senegal to show how Senegalese researchers have created their own style in analyzing this area. The current article provides an overview of the current situation of international relations research in Senegal and how its history has influenced it. In addition, the author will show that Africa, and indeed a country like Senegal, is deeply rooted in the western education system and needs to be completely revised in order to create its own imprint in international relations.
history, scholars, Senegal, international relations, universities, africa, research, african studies, education, educational system
Theory and methodology of international relations
Batchuluun, B., Li, S. (2019). The Science of International Relations in Mongolia: Development and Current Status. International relations, 1, 43–50.
The subject of the research is the study of international relations in Mongolia. The relevance of the research is caused by the growing interest towards the theory and history of international relatios outside the Western states. The authors of the article provide an insight into the history of that science in Mongolia and analyze its modern status. The authors focus on the activity of national research institutions and universities that teach international relations. The authors have analyzed the most significant researches on international relations and provide a full list of academic journals that write about international relations. In the course of their research the authors have applied the principles and methods of historical research that have enabled objectivity and validity of the research results and have allowed to use the available experience and to analyze the history and stages of the theoretical and practical study of international relations in Mongolia. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors carry out an in-depth analysis of the history of the international relations science in Mongolia since its origin till today. They conclude that in Mongolia the science of international relations was created and have been developing till late decade of the previous century under the influence of the Soviet ideology. As soon as Mongolia have become a democratic state, Mongolian researches start to apply Western approaches and methods to studying international relations which have guaranteed the dynamic development of the science in Mongolia.
Foreign policy of Mongolia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mongolian diplomats, Study, Research, Theory, Non-Western, International relations, Mongolia, Mongolian Academy of Sciences
Regional configurations of international relations
Denisenko, V.A., Barantseva, O.E. (2019). Russia - ASEAN: Innovations in Education and Opportunities for International Cooperation. International relations, 1, 51–58.
The article is devoted to the opportunities of cooperation between Russia and Association of South East Asian Nations in the field of education under the conditions of innovations and transformations of the educaitonal environment. The authors of the article provide a description of the modern stage of integration processes in education in the ASEN states, analyze the main global trends in education, analyze Russian innovative epxerience in education, outline the main issues that arise in the process of implementing innovative technologies in the Association member-states' system of education, describe promising areas for educational cooperation between Russia and ASEAN and etc. The nature of the research has determined the use of general research methods (analysis, synthesis and systems approach). In addition, the authors have also applied the interdisciplinary approach. The authors analyze changes that have taken place after innovations, especially digital technologies, have been implemented in Russia's and ASEAN states' educations. They also provide examples of the most successful projects and emphasize the need to activate the educational cooperation between the Russian Federation and ASEAN countries including that through the network communication of the leading universities. The authors conclude that the development of the research centers is one of the most promising areas for international cooperation for Russia and ASEAN states. They underline that successful network communication would extend the scope of collective researches on topical practical and fundamental issues as well as the scope of application of innovative methods in teaching Master Degree and Doctor Degree students.
online learning, Southeast Asia, innovations in education, regional organizations, integration processes, Russia - ASEAN, international cooperation, International humanitarian interaction, education in ASEAN, digitalization of education
Russian foreign policy
Viver, V.N. (2019). Eurasian Integration in Terms of the Conservative Academic Discourse of the USA. International relations, 1, 59–73.
Against the changes in the lobal world order and current nature of Russian-American relations, it is important to analyze the attitude of the USA expert community towards Russia's initiatives in the Post-Soviet region. America's position towards Russia and Eurasian processes have been traditionally developing as the fight between different points of view, particularly conservative and liberal trends in external policy of the USA. This research implies the analysis of the positions of conservatives on Russia and Eurasian processes in the America's discourse. The object of the research is the American foreign political discourse and the subject of the research is their position on the Eurasian integreation in the sphere of intellectual products of academic research institutions. The research is based on the constructionist paradigm and fills in the gaps in understanding the nature and specifics of the position of the expert community on integration processes in the region. The scope of scientific issues is determined by the contradictory nature of the problem when the importance of Eurasian macroregion is declaerd for the global foreign policy of the United States while there is no attention or serious research of integration initiatives involving Russia. The research has demonstrated the critical perception of American expert of any initiatives of consolidated post-soviet states around Russia that see the regional projection of The Kremlin's global targets to reformate the West-centered world structure and develop the multi-pole world order. Russian experts take integration initiatives as attempts to restore the Russian Empire and explain foreign policy as the 'imperial thinking' of Russian elite. The results of the research can be of use in application analysis of American foreign policy issues and study of international processes in the Eurasian Region.
Russian strategy, Russian policy, integration projects, Post-Soviet region, Eurasian integration, Customs Union, Eurasian Economic Union, American think tanks, Eurasianiasm, Eurasia
Political modernization of international relations
Danilov, V.D. (2019). Peculiarities of the Chinese Perception of the Soft Power Phenomenon. International relations, 1, 74–80.
The subject of this research is the Chinese percpetion of the concept of 'soft power' offered by Joseph Nye. The object of the research is the Chinese approach to the government's soft power as an important element of the national public diplomacy strategy. The researcher pays much attention to the evoluation of Chinese perception of external political activity and underlines that PRC adapts the concept of soft power and uses it not only as an tool to develop positive foreign image but also as the means of ensuring domestic stability and legitimacy. In his research Danilov has followed the most important principles of historical science such as the principles of historicism and scientific objectivity, the author has also applied the interdisciplinary approach. Based on the research results, the author concludes that projecting cultural and economic dimensions of soft power on foreign community, China emphasizes the succession of tradition and pays special attention to the development of the education and scientific cooperation as well as works on the image of a responsible and ready-to-cooperate actor. Even though developed countries still treat China with alert, this proves to be an efficient strategy with developing countries.
Peaceful development, Joseph Nye, Dialogue of civilizations, Confucius Institute, One Belt, One Road Initiative, Public diplomacy, «Soft power», the «harmonious world» concept, Cultural cooperation, China
Regional configurations of international relations
Al-Akwa'a, A.A. (2019). Peculiarities of the Multilateral Diplomacy of the Yemen Republic. International relations, 1, 81–89.
The article is devoted to the activity of the Yemen Republic's international and regional organizations. The author of the article analyze peucliarities of the union of two Yemen states, Yemen Arab Republic and People's Democratic Republic of Yemen as well as their influence on the foreign policy and diplomacy of the Yemen Republic in general. The researcher also touches upon peculiarities of creation of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States, participation of the Yemen Republic in the League of Arab States and Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and attempts to join the Gulf Cooperation Council. The researcher has applied general research methods such as analysis, observation, comparison, and methods of historical research such as historical description and historical comparison. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that both Russian and foreign academic literature does not pay enough attention to the foreign policy of the Yemen Republic. Noteworthy that the study of the Middle East's countries such as Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Livia, Lebanon, etc. is difficult due to their chronic internal instability which includes but not limited to the influence of external factors at the regional and global levels. The main conclusion of the research is that despite the rich and long history, Yemen has not taken a decent place on the world arena yet, thus the country has been unable to make a name among influential international organizations. Its activity is limited to regional integrations only.
GCC, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, League of Arab States, People’s Democratic Republic, Yemen Arab Republic, regional organizations, international organizations, National Dialogue Conference, multilateral diplomacy, United Nations
Regional configurations of international relations
Kaouar, R. (2019). The Islamic Factor in Algeria-Morocco Relations. International relations, 1, 90–98.
The article is devoted to the role of the Islamic factor in international relations between Algeria and Morocco in the post-colonial period. The author of the article analyzes Morocco's and Algeria's models of managing the internal religious sphere, provides a review of the main religious organisations in these two countries and gives their brief descriptions. The author also studies different tools and initiatives used by these states to implement their external religious policy. He also describes how Algeria and Morocco use these resouces in their long-term confrontation for regional hegemony. In his research the author has applied the comparison approach and historical research methods that allow to analyze the experience of these two countries in their religious diplomacy. In conclusion the author states that Morocco leads a more successful religious diplomacy. However, in recent years the government of Algeria has been considering the religious factor in terms of their external policy and its role in achieving national interests.
religious sphere, regional hegemony, Islam, international relations, religious diplomacy, Marocco, Algeria, foreign policy, Maghreb, West Africa
Challenges and threats to international security
Doroshenko, I.S. (2019). Digitalization of The Arctic as a Threat of Hybrid War. International relations, 1, 99–106.
The subject of the research is cyberspace as the potential grounds of hybrid war as a result of the growing tension in The Arctic. According to the author, cyberspace is the main field of hybrid wars nowadays. The author of the article examines such aspects of the topic as the legal regulation of cyberspace security issues, available researches of the North Atlantic Alliance and the European Union as well as solutions of these issues at the global level as part of the United Nations Organization's activity. The fact that cyberspace is actively used for information war and it is often very difficult to discover the source of propaganda or hacker's attack creates risks associated with the use of cyberspace for the development of northern territories. Providing that the development of The Arctic is a knowledge-intensive process, it would be impossible without the use of complex technical facilities accessible for cyber attacks. The research is based on the principles of historicism, sytems approach, and objectivity. The methodological basis of the research is the comparative analysis which implies the comparison of two or more phenomena. The author has also applied the method of content-analysis. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author raises a question about the challenges and threats of the digitalization process in case of The Arctic development as a result of the weak legal regulation of the virtual world activity. The rationale of the research is caused by the new opportunities of extraction of commercial minerals in the region and prolongation of the terms of the use of Northern sea routes. In conclusion, the author emphasizes the need to introduce more innovative technologies that would protect from hacker's attacks.
Data center, sustainable development, The high north, Information and communications technology, Hybrid war, Northern Europe, Cybersecurity, The Arctic, United Nations Organisation, Digitalization
Challenges and threats to international security
Eo, S. (2019). Areas for Bilateral Cooperation between Russia and Republic of Korea Aimed at Resolving the Territorial Dispute Around the Liancourt Rocks. International relations, 1, 107–113.
The author of this article examines the situation with the Liancort rocks and describes the history of the development of this territorial dispute, reasons and arguments that are provided by the parties to prove the affiliation of these islands to their territory. The author focuses on the position of Russia on this issue providing that Russia's territorial dispute with Japan about the Kuril Islands is a uniting factor for Russia and the Republic of Korea. The object of the research is the territorial dispute around the Liancourt Rocks. The subject of the research is possible prospects for the cooperation between the Russian Federation and Republic of Korea for dispute resolution. The methodological basis of the research is the principle of historicism that allows to view the problem from the point of view of its dynamics and development and establish the connection between the past and the future. Based on the research results, the author makes the following conclusions: today the question about territorial affiliation of the Liancourt Rocks is still left unanswered, however, there are certain prospects for the cooperation between the Russian Federation and Republic of Korea in order to difuse a conflict, for example, the countries may initiate negotiations in other fields.
prospects, cooperation, tension, Asia-Pacific region, Liancourt Rocks, Russian Federation, Republic of Korea, territorial dispute, international security, escalation
Naumov, A.O. (2019). The Use of 'Soft Power' Technologies Against the Change in Political Regimes During the Arab Spring (the Case Study of the Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia). International relations, 1, 114–128.
The object of the research article is the Jasmine Revolution that took place in Tunisia in December 2010 - January 2011. The subject of the research is the soft power technologies that were used to oust the president Ben Ali. The author of the article analyzes such aspects of the topic as the reasons and prerequisites for the Arab spring in general and the take-over in Tunisia in particular, the cours of the Jasmine Revolution and its consequences for that North African country. The author focuses on the use of the soft power technologies, especially digital technologies, during the Jasmine Revolution as well as the role of Western states, primarily USA. The methodological basis of the research involves the systems, structured functional, comparative legal approaches, historicism, analysis, synthesis, induction, deducation and observation. The author concludes that belonging to the second wave of the Color revolutions, the Jasmine Revolution did not give any benefit to the Tunisian nation. Islamic organisations that came to power as a result of the national discontent in Ben Ali's policy could not manage the country well but only exacerbated the issues that Tunisia had. Instead of true democracy and improvements in social and economic environment, the country faced more problems and challenges. According to the author, the USA was not directly related to the rebellion in Tunisia. However, the Jasmine Revolution was morally supported by the overseas and Western 'soft power' technologies, primarily digital resources (social networks, microblogs, opposition sites) played the key role in the process. On the other side, the White house hoped to reach a conerete geopolitical goal which was the total reformation of the geopolitical structure of the Greater Middle East. Yet, the actual results of the Arab spring in general and Jasmine Revolution in particular differed a lot from what Washington wanted to see.
international conflicts, geopolitics, USA, Ben Ali, Tunisia, soft power, Color revolutions, Jasmine revolution, Arab spring, sovereignty
Interests and values
Adebayo, K., Briggs, E.M. (2019). International Relations as a Field of Study in Nigeria. International relations, 1, 129–139.
This paper responds to an existing demand to take Africa as a continent out of a place of exception and marginality while placing it at the center of international relations and world politics. The rapid growth of the study and research of international relations in Nigeria is commendable as it challenges the structural and epistemic biases of International Relations that render the contributions of the continent invisible. The relevance of this paper is to provide and maintain means of information upon international relations questions in Nigeria and to promote the influence of Nigeria on the African continent and beyond.This study adopts data collection and a descriptive summary, as well as the use of secondary data analysis.The scientific novelty consists in the entrance of new knowledge of data obtained by analyzing materials on the researches and prospects made by Nigeria government and privately owned institutions and universities to enhance Nigeria’s stand in the international arena. As accounted for, International Relations study and its related courses are being taught and researched in 31 Universities in Nigeria.
prospects, Africa, universities, Nigeria, study, research, International arena, International Relations, government, researchers
International economy relations
Wang, L. (2019). Trade-Economic and Financial Policy of China in Azerbaijan. International relations, 1, 140–148.
The Republic of Azerbaijan plays an important role for the People's Republic of China's politics due to its geographical location and thus involvement of the Republic into the Silk Road Economic Belt Project as well as the Republic's energy resources that are so needed by the growing Chinese economy. In its turn, developing Azerbaijan needs cooperation with the People's Republic China. Meanwhile, trade-economic and financial policies of China and Azerbaijan have their own peculiarities. The object of the research is the trade-economic and financial policy of the PRC. The subject of the research is the trade-economic and financial policy of China in relation to Azerbaijan. The methodological basis of the research involves the empirical approach which allows to find specific patterns of international actors' behavior, mostly based on the analysis of the geopolotical situation. Based on the research results, the author concludes that the trade-economic and financial policy leading by the PRC in Azerbaijan has the following peculiarities. First of all, the parties conduct their trade and economic cooperation following the principle of non-intervention into the domestic affairs; secondly, PRC's export to Azerbaijan exceeds their import; thirdly, China invest great money into energy projects of Azerbaijan. The scientific novelty of the resaerch is caused by the fact that this article is the frst attempt to view the trade-economic and financial cooperation between the PRC and Azerbaijan and to discover peculiarities of the policy of China in cooperation with Azerbaijan in the aforesaid spheres.
energy, investment, financial cooperation, trade and economic cooperation, Republic of Azerbaijan, People’s Republic of China, Silk road, geopolitics, turnover, trading partner
International economy relations
Kim, S. (2019). Investment Cooperation Between Southern Korea and Russia and Opportunities for Korea's Business in the Far East. International relations, 1, 149–156.
This article is devoted to modern bilateral relations between the Republic of Korea and Russian Federation, in particular, their investment cooperation. The author of the article focuses on investment projects of the South Korea in the Far East as well as prospects for the development of Korea's business in the region. Kim outlines the main prerequisites for the development of investment cooperation as well as the basic activities of the South Korea and Russia in this sphere. The object of the research is the bilateral relations between the Republic of Korea and Russian Federation. The subject of the research is the investment cooperation between these two states. The author has applied the main principles of history such as historicism, validity and scientific attitude. The methodological basis of the research is the problem-based chronological approach that allows to analyze particular aspects of cooperation of international relations actors. Based on the research results, the author concludes that investment projects between the Republic of Korea and Russian Federation are of great importance for the economic development of both states as the most promising area for their cooperation. The Far Eastern region of the country plays an especially important role in the development of investment cooperation between the South Korea and Russia where the majority of mutual projects is being realized.
bilateral relations, economy, Eurasia initiative, cooperation, Far East, Russian Federation, Republic of Korea, energy, investment projects, bussiness
History of international relations
Sidiakina, A.B. (2019). The Löwenwolde's Treaty in Terms of Negotiations Between Austria, Russia and Prussia in 1730 - 1732. International relations, 1, 157–168.
The object of the research is the so-called Löwenwolde's Treaty or the Treaty of Three Black Eagles that was concluded between Austria, Russia and Prussia in Berlin on December 2/13 of 1732. The provisions of the Treaty started to be visibly violated soon after it had been concluded. This allows the historiographers to think of it as a fake document created by Vienna and Petersburg in order to involve the King of Prussia into the Polish Succession treaty which none of the parties intented to ratify. Based on the historiography and documents of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the author of the article traces back the history of negotiations from the treaties of 1730 till the ratification of the treaty in 1733. The author has applied the historical genetic and comparative methods. As a result of the negotiations of 1730 - 1732, a Portugese infant Manuel became a candidate for the Polish throne. Preliminary negotiations were an important milestone. The final document did not mention the kurprinz of Saxony or the Piast dynasty which meant that the allies had come to a compromise. The support of the Hohenzollern in Kurland was supposed to coerce Prussia to cessions in the case of the Julich-Berg heritage but Berg negotiations were broken which gave the emperor the right to ask Anna of Russia to postpone ratification and to try to soften the king's stand. Polish articulates were left in force and Austria and Russia started to implement them. The treaty allowed the change of infant for another candidate which also made it possible to turn to the prince-elector of Saxony. The withdrawal of the king from the allies was caused by the failure of the Prussia-Saxony negotiations. The Threaty lost the power after Prussia declared neutrality and Carl VI refused to invade Poland.
Austria-Russia relations, Polish Succession, Karl Gustav Loewenwolde, 18th century diplomacy, diplomatic history, Polish question, Treaty of Three Black Eagles, Löwenwolde's Treaty, Prussia-Russia relations, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth