Regional configurations of international relations
Selivanov, A. (2018). The Ideological Basis of Mechanisms for Promoting China's Political Interests in Brazil and Argentina in the XXI Century. International relations, 3, 1–11.
The subject of the study is the internal ideological content of modern Chinese foreign policy, its correlation with the dominant political trends in Argentina and Brazil. A detailed analysis of the ideological concepts and doctrines that are the basis of modern Chinese political life may be considered a particularly important aspect of the study. The author analyzes the differences in the political rhetoric of China as regarded to Argentina and Brazil. Also, there is an analysis of the expected results of political activity of China in Argentina and Brazil at the present stage. The basis for the study is the method of system analysis, methods of synthesis and analysis, comparative-historical analysis method, method of intertextual analysis. The Author concludes that the ideological component of China's foreign policy constitutes a key tool in the development of political activity in Brazil and Argentina. It is also concluded that the success of China's foreign policy in the region depends on the level of dialogue between Argentina and Brazil. The main conclusion is that by 2018 China had possessed an ideological platform in the strategy of political interaction with Argentina and Brazil, which allows it to maintain a high level of inter-state dialogue, regardless of the political course of the governments of these countries.
peronismo, analysis, ideology, foreign policy, Brazil, Argentina, PRC, South America, tools, confucianism
Clash of civilizations
Sardaryan, G. (2018). The Republican Political Institutions of Christian civilization. International relations, 3, 12–20.
The subject of the study is the civilizational and cultural basis of the development of republican democracy institutions with the principles and mechanisms characteristic for it. The object of the study is political institutions of the modern democratic republican state correlated with the political culture of Western States that was formed under the influence of various factors, primarily - the Christian civilizational heritage. Finally, it affects the functioning of social institutions which, in their turn, lead to formation of a particular kind of political institutions – the ones that are considered to be the basis of the republican system in the modern world. The author used such methods as dialectical, logical, comparative, system, as well as a number of others. The author comes to the conclusion that the combination of the principles of meritocratic formation of power in the state and its limitations on the part of non-personalized institutions leads to the formation of conditions for economy’s rapid development and exclusion of serious political headwinds, even in conditions of transformation of the political system. However, either of them is a result of the civilizational and cultural process that underlies the functioning of social institutions further developed in the state structures.
religion, civilization, political institutions, political culture, Huntington, christianity, subsidiarity, republicanism, separation of powers, meritocracy
Regional configurations of international relations
Agazade, M.M. (2018). The Current State of Azerbaijan-Iran Bilateral Relations: Development Trends. International relations, 3, 21–29.
The present article focuses on the Azerbaijan-Iran relations at the current stage. The author discusses the process of development of the relations between the two countries, and analyzes the reasons for further development. The relevance of the topic is conditioned upon the fact that today the US economic sanctions against Iran force it to strengthen the cooperation with neighboring countries, including Azerbaijan. On the other hand, the signing of the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea provides an opportunity for the development of joint work connected with the Caspian sea. The author used the historical-comparative method, which allowed the author to analyze the history of Azerbaijan-Iran bilateral relations. Despite the tense and contradictory processes in the region, the bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Iran are developing vigorously. Although the approaches of the countries do not coincide on some issues, it does not harm the overall course aimed at strengthening the relations. Analyzing the main directions of the bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Iran, it can be concluded that despite occasional deterioration of the State-to-State relations due to various reasons, as a result from the efforts of the political elite of the two countries, the relations between Baku and Tehran have embarked on the path of development.
trade relations, Caspian Sea, cooperation, bilateral relations, Islamic Republic of Iran, The Republic of Azerbaijan, transport, diplomacy, medical tourism, South Caucasus
Russian foreign policy
Ahmed, M.A. (2018). The Place of the Middle East States in Russia's Foreign Energy Policy. International relations, 3, 30–39.
The research subject of the article is the Russian energy policy in the Middle East. The author considers the main lines of cooperation between the Russian Federation and the countries of the region, as well as the main tasks of the country's foreign policy in the field of energy at the current stage. The article also discusses the main difficulties in promoting a dialogue between Russia and the countries of the region. The main countries the author considers in the article are Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, Iran, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Algeria. The present research was carried out with the help of interdisciplinary approach at the junction of various sciences (History, International Relations, Political Science, Economics), which allowed the author to perform a comprehensive and objective study of the subject and perform the required tasks. The author used methods and principles of historical science, such as historicism, consistency, reliability, and objectivity. Scientific novelty is conditioned with the introduction of new sources (primarily in Arabic) into scientific circulation. In addition, there is also absence of comprehensive researches on the topic in foreign and Russian historiography taking into account the serious changes in the system of international relations as a whole, as well as geopolitical transformation in the region.
energy security, energy politics, cooperation, international energy cooperation, Middle East, Russia, Egipt, Saudi Arabia, Quatar, Iran
Issues of war and peace
Kocherov, O.S. (2018). Mo Di’s Ethics of War . International relations, 3, 40–54.
The article considers the views on the war presented in "Mozi", the ancient Chinese philosophical treatise. The relevance of the study is derived from the manifestation of the Mohist paradigm of strategic culture in the modern Chinese foreign policy, in particular, with regard to defenñe of the State and control over problem areas (South China Sea). The purpose of the research is to consider the specifics of ancient Chinese ethics of war in the context of the Western theory of Just War as well as to reveal the importance of Mohist views on war for the modern theory of international relations and China's foreign policy strategy. The material of the study includes "Mozi" text as well as official statements of the modern leaders of China. The study applies both methods of world political science (content analysis, study of documents, case method) and methods of philosophy (dialectical, hermeneutic, pragmatic). In contrast to the "liberal "and "conservative" interpretations of Mo Di's doctrine expressed by researchers of Mohist political philosophy, the author of this article makes a conclusion about the practice-oriented approach of ancient Chinese philosophy and "moral practice" as a criterion of political legitimacy. The author makes a comparison of the Mohist ethics of war with the Western theory of Just War and concludes that they are conceptually close. However, "Mozi" is much closer to the ideas of defensive pacifism due to the specifics of the Mohist ideas about the legitimate actor. Among other distinctive features of Mo Di's political doctrine are the focus on highly sophisticated defence, the idea of "humanitarian protection", humanism and mutually beneficial cooperation as a guarantee of international security. At the current stage, elements of the Mohist ideas about the war and the Mohist paradigm of Chinese strategic culture are manifested in the Chinese defensive concept A2AD.
Mandate of Heaven, International legitimacy, Humanitarian defense, A2AD, Defensive pacifism, Just war theory, War ethics, Mo Di, Moral practice legitimacy, Humanitarian intervention
Regional configurations of international relations
FAN, X. (2018). US Strategy for Expanding its Influence in Central Asia Region as a Common Threat to Russia and China. International relations, 3, 55–64.
The present article explores the current expansion of the influence of the USA as a global power in the Central Asian region, as well as the way American strategies affect Russia and China. After the collapse of the USSR, following the weakening of the geopolitical influence of Russia as a successor of the USSR and following the massive wave of the US global strategic offensive in the sphere of influence which previously belonged to the Soviet Union, the Americans began to promote their policy in Central Asia. After September 11, 2001 in consequence of the antiterrorist operation in Afghanistan, the USA managed to achieve growth of its geopolitical influence in Central Asia, but their intentions in the region raised concerns of Russia and China, as well as Central Asian governments. Russia and China are interested in the joint halting of proliferation of the US influence in the Central Asian region. The article is based on the analysis of official documents and official statements of the key States under consideration: the USA, Russia, China, Central Asia. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that the US strategy in Central Asia is seen as a threat not only to the regional interests of Russia but also to the interests of China in the region. Moreover, the US strategy is a threat that can be considered common to Russia and China and can unite them in their regional security cooperation. The rivalry between Russia and China in Central Asia could become a low propriety and turn into cooperation in the face of a common threat - a non-regional power wishing to spread its geopolitical influence.
US regional strategy, US strategic influence, regional security, Central Asia, Chinese foreign policy, Russian foreign policy, Russian-Chinese cooperation, extremist threat, Afghanistan, great powers
Theory and methodology of international relations
Borovskiy, Y.V. (2018). International Rivalry: Theoretical and Linguistic Aspects. International relations, 3, 65–72.
The scientific and broader community has still treated antagonistic interstate relations differently. For example, in recent years, marked by the escalation of international tension in the spirit of the Cold war, Russia and the United States are often called rivals, competitors, opponents, adversaries or conflicting parties. Such a discrepancy is noted both in foreign and domestic publications. The subject of the presented research is an “international rivalry”. It is aimed at determining a scientific meaning of the above concept, relying on accumulated academic experience and considering some similar concepts. The author applies general scientific methods including analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy and modeling. Conceptual framework and research methods related to the theory of international relations, history, and political science involving the system, comparative, and comparative historical analysis are also used. The novelty of the research lies in the systematization and generalization of scientific understanding of antagonistic states relations with special focus on the concept of "international rivalry". The author arrives at the following conclusions. In a simplistic, utilitarian view, the term "rivalry" can be interpreted as the opposite of "cooperation" and associated with any clash of state interests (or other international actors). In this approach, a researcher can alternate the terms "rivalry", "competition", “conflict”, and “adversary” while describing the opposite positions and actions of states, e.g. Russia and the USA. However, if we turn to academic publications, there are some additional nuances. So, we should consider international competition as an abstract, depoliticized contest of states and other international actors for some limited (mainly economic) benefits. International rivalry is more a political process, necessarily involving some rival pairs of states (or groups of states) that compete with each other not only to get some benefits, but to expand their territory or power. International conflict, expressed either in conflict behavior or conflict of interests, in a certain sense overlaps with the term "international rivalry", but it should be considered an independent concept.
international relations, Soviet-American relations, Russian-American relations, international adversary, international conflict, international competition, international rivalry, international enemies, conflict of interests, conflict behavior
Political modernization of international relations
Zabella, A., Ezhov, V.V. (2018). The Development of Sino-Gabonese Relationship: the Past and the Present. International relations, 3, 73–79.
The subject of the research is the political and economic relations arising between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Gabon. The object of the research is the history of the development of their relationship. The authors of the article focus on the status of Gabon in Africa and the role of Gabon in the development of Sino-African cooperation and extrapolitical interests of Gabon. The authors mention the main treates that have been forming the basis for the dialogue between these two countries and describe the reasons why these countries are interested in each other in this day and age. The methodology of the research include: 1. General research methods (comparison, description, etc.). 2. Historical: historical-genetic approach (that is used to analyze how China's external policy course has been developing). 3. Political expertise (opinions of experts in Sino-African relations, problems, perspectives of China's external policy). The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the following: 1. The authors define the place of Africa in external political priorities of the People's Republic of China. 2. They demonstrate that both countries are interested in their cooperation. 3. They carried out a comparative analysis of Gabon's policy towards the People's Republic of China and France. 5. They prove that there is a dependence between a changed model of China's development and China's policy towards Gabon.
Agreements, Sino-Gabonese rapprochement, political partnership, economic relations, background of relations, Gabon, China, China’s investment, Oil Industry, Bélinga project
Political modernization of international relations
Filippov, V. (2018). Priorities of Emmanuel Macron's African Policy: The Barchan Operation. International relations, 3, 80–92.
The object of the research is the 'Barchan' operation of the French armed forces in Sahel. The author of the article analyzes such aspects of the problem as the diplomatic cover of that pseudo peacekeeping operation, and supporting actions of the French expeditionary force from the side of the allies of the Fifth Republic for NATO and African states, satellites of France in Sahel (military-political alliance G5S). Filippov pays special attention to the definition of declared and true purposes of the military action as well as reasons that make the president Emmanuel Macron to increase military presence in the Sub-Saharan Africa. In the course of his research Filippov has applied the principle of historicism and comparative history method. The research is based on the chronics and analysis findings published by the French mass media. For the first time in the academic literature the author pays attention toi the fact that the operation 'Barchan' was initiated by the Elysee Palace claiming that they protected Mali citizens from Islamic extremists and against Taureg separatism, while the true objective of the French was to protect uranium minings in Mali and Niger under the aegis of Areva. As a result of his research, Filippov concludes that there is a lose situatin for the Elysee Palace: the more expenditures are taken by the Barchan operation, the more African Uranium costs for the French power stations and the less sense this expensive military campaign makes.
Uranium of the Sahel, Mission Minusma, G5S Alliance, Emmanuel Macron, the French army, Germany, USA, Niger, Mali, France
Regional configurations of international relations
Makarov, A.V. (2018). Conceptual Bases on the Russian-Mongolian Mutually Beneficial Cooperation with a View of Transboundary Waters Protection in the Lake Baikal Basin. International relations, 3, 93–107.
In his article Makarov discusses the grounds for international cooperation in the sphere of conjunctive use of transboundary waters and their practical implementation based on the example of the Lake Baikal basin. The author describes the nature of mutual relations of riparian countries and specific problems of the conjunctive water use. He also systematizes the main principles and patterns of mutually beneficial use of transboundary waters and gives recommendations regarding the development of mutually beneficial cooperation between Russia and Mongolia for the purpose of protecting transboundary waters and economic development in the Lake Baikal basin. Using the methods and provisions of the theories of games, economics and international relations, the author describes the conceptual grounds and offers a set of measures aimed at development of the economic basis for mutually beneficial use of transboundary waters in the Lake Baikal basin. These measures ensure the balance between ecological and economic interests of Russia and Mongolia as part of the generally recognized sytem of international cooperation principles and rules. For the first time in the academic literature the author makes a statement about assymetrical access to water resources as a fundamental problem in conjunctive use of transboundary waters. The researcher also describes the main provisions of using the approach of benefit sharing as the key solution of water use conflicts. Makarov also gives a forecast of transboundary effects from the side of Mongolia and discovers that Mongolia's plans to develop hydraulic power industry create unfavorable conditions for Russia's environment. The author also describes the main areas to be developed in order to reinfoce the mutually beneficial cooperation between Russia and Mongolia aimed at protection of transboundary waters in the Lake Baikal basin. Taking into account that the best solution of the environmental issue for Russia would be an alternative source of energy used in a neighboring country, it is important for Russia to participate in the projects of thermal power development. A number of conclusions made in this research have been already declared in 2016 as part of intergovernmental counselling on the issues of conjunctive water use and trade and economic cooperation.
hydroenergy, win-win solution, asymmetry access, benefit-sharing, russian-mongolian relations, the lake Baikal protection, transboundary waters, the international cooperation, transboundary impacts, natural heritage
Regional configurations of international relations
Kim, S. (2018). Cooperation of the Republic of Korea and Russian Federation Regarding the Conjunctive Use of the Northern Sea Route: Results and Perspectives. International relations, 3, 108–116.
Cooperation between the Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation traces back to the early 1990s when the countries went into the diplomatic relationship. The countries continue to interact in various spheres: trade and economic, political and cultural. One of the promising areas of their cooperation is the conjunctive use of the Northern Sea Route. The object of this research is the relations between the Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation. The subject of the research is the cooperation between the two countries in terms of the use of the Northern Sea Route. In his research Kim used the main methods and principles of history as a science, in particular, historicism, consistency and accuracy. These methods allow to analyze historical processes from the point of view of their development and interrelation as well as to carry out multi-aspect analysis of facts and events. Based on the research results, the author makes a conclusion that the countries became interested in cooperation at the end of the last century already when they discussed the project of gas line construction, and up to now the Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation have been actively interacting regarding the conjunctive use of the Northern Sea Route. Both sides are interested in developing their cooperation further. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the author carries out a complex analysis of the interaction between the Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation regarding the development of the Northern Sea Route.
maritime traffic, shipbuilding, Arctic, cooperation, Northern Sea Route, Russian Federation, The Republic of Korea, Arctic Council, Europe, technologies