History of international relations
Babintseva, E.A. (2018). On the Issue of Environmental Protection in the Context of Globalization in the Second Half of the XX - Early XXI Centuries. International relations, 2, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.25798
The subject of the study of international relations environmental development is a complex of historical and political factors integrated into international relations on environmental protection and aimed at prevention of climatic destabilization of the planet, prevention of extensive development and the negative consequences of anthropogenic interference with the biosphere. The aim of the work is to elicit the reasons and ways of popularization of the concept of environmentalism on the international level in the XX-XXI centuries in the orderly process of international relations development, as well as to identify the consequential risks to the international political system. In the course of the study the author used a method of analysis of legal sources and a record of meetings at the highest level. With the help of inductive and deductive techniques the study compares environmental concepts in different periods of international relations development. The analysis of thematic international conferences and multilateral treaties is conducted. The historical sequence of international relations development in the field of nature protection is determined. The practice of international ecological concepts integration in the territory of the leading world powers is compared. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by consideration of the current stages of implementation and modernization of the UNFCCC provisions and the dynamically developing agendas of the parties’ annual conferences. The results revealed probability of negative application of the environmental standards in the form of interference with the sovereign foundations of statehood with regard to the leading countries. The author marks a positive impact of peaceful partnership in the sphere of environment, and its unifying role in the international community. These conclusions can be applied to further analysis of implementation of the conception of sustainable development in practice and in discussions at the annual conferences of the UNFCCC parties, as well as in teaching practice for students of the "International relations" field of study.
climate change, the Paris Agreement, ecohumanism, environmentalism, ecology, nature protection, the UNFCCC, the concept of sustainable developmen, environment, COP
Regional configurations of international relations
Diansaee, B. (2018). The Role of Iran in the Middle East Crisis: the Factor of Sanctions Relief on the Nuclear Programme (2015-2017)
. International relations, 2, 8–13. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.25874
The article analyzes the main factors influencing the formation of Iran's foreign policy in the Middle East in the context of solving the problem of settlement of the Iran’s nuclear program and application of the sanctions regime. A special attention is given to consideration of the challenges to Iran’s security and regional stability after the sanctions regime lifting and settlement of the Syrian conflict. The main components of the foreign policy strategy and national priorities of the IRI with regard to the Middle East region as well as to the countries-allies are considered. It is methodologically reasonable to consider these issues on the basis of the defensive realism position, which allows the author to explore the features of Iran’s foreign policy. The author used scientific analytic methods (logical, contrastive-comparative, inductive-deductive, etc). A system approach made it possible to give an integral analysis of the multi-level system of Iran's involvement in international relations in the Middle East. It is emphasized that after the talks on the Iran nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1, and the conclusion of the JCPOA (2015) Iran hasn’t changed its regional strategy. The author concludes that despite the short-term effects that have taken place in the regional dimension after the conclusion of the JCPOA, this agreement is still not a decisive factor determining the direction of regional changes. In the long term the situation in the Middle East and the role of Iran in it will be determined by internal conditions and regional trends, as well as the factor of international involvement in regional processes.
security, strategy, sanctions, JCPOA, Syrian crises, Middle East, foreign policy, Iran, regional threats, international relations
World politics
Avatkov, V.A., Shelestov, S. (2018). The Key Mechanisms for Implementation of Turkey's Foreign Policy Interests in the Middle East. International relations, 2, 14–24. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.25859
The authors of the article focus on the efforts of the Republic of Turkey to strengthen its position in the Middle East. The subject of the study is the tools and mechanisms used by Ankara in pursuit of its own foreign policy interests in the region. Such mechanisms as military operations in the territory of the neighbouring States, military exercises, military bases construction, attraction of investment in their own economy, direct investment in the economy of the States in the region, as well as provision of humanitarian aid are the focus of the authors' attention. The article places a heavy emphasis on the impact and emerging trends connected with the use of these tools. Given absence of Turkey's open foreign policy conception, the authors refer to such applied methods of political analysis as a content and event analysis as well as a comparative analysis to consider the implemented tools and to identify the existing trends. The scientific novelty of the study lies in introduction of Turkey's foreign policy instruments classification according to the spheres of their application. The main conclusion of the study is as follows: Turkey applies a full range of available foreign policy mechanisms and tools to create a favourable configuration of the Middle East and pursues an independent foreign policy based on its own national interests.
humanitarian aid, the Persian Gulf, foreign policy tools, Syria, Irak, AKP, the Middle East, Turkey, military operations, coup attempt
Russian foreign policy
Vardan, G. (2018). The Consequences of Recognition of Abkhazia's Independence by the Russian Federation for Turkey-Abkhazia Relations . International relations, 2, 25–31. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.25993
The Object of study is a comparative analysis of Turkey-Abkhazia relations before and after recognition of the independence of Abkhazia by the Russian Federation. The aim of the article is a study of the influence of the new policy adopted by the Russian Federation in the Abkhazian conflict on Turkey-Abkhazia relations. As a result of these changes, official Ankara faced new reality in the region, although during the Georgian-Abkhaz war and after it Ankara managed to take a decisive position in the life of the new independent Abkhaz state. The analysis will focus mainly on bilateral economic relations and the revision of Turkey's policy towards Abkhazia. To study the above objects the scientific research was based on the principles of historicism and scientific objectivity. In the course of study we used a method of comparative analysis of historical events which influenced the topic of the scientific work. The novelty of the scientific research lies in exposure of the positive and negative changes in Turkey-Abkhazia relations that occurred after the “five-day war” in August and recognition of the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia by the Russian Federation. After these events the role of Moscow that became the main guarantor of security, a partner and an ally of the Abkhaz state, sharply increased in bilateral relations between Ankara and Sukhumi.
Georgian–Turkish relations, Abkhazian diaspora, Transcaucasia, Abkhaz–Georgian conflict, War in Abkhazia, Abkhazia–Turkey relations, Russian Federation, Russia–Turkey relations, Turkey, Abkhazia
Question at hand
Kulumbegova, L.T. (2018). The Problem of National Identity as a Factor contributing to Emergence of Unrecognized States in the Post-Soviet Space. International relations, 2, 32–39. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.26037
The subject of the study is ethnic-and-social causes of emergence of unrecognized States in the post-Soviet space. The national policy pursued by the Russian Empire and later by the Soviet Union has sown the seeds of ethnic and political conflicts in the post-Soviet space. The process of ethnic mobilization, which is based on the problem of ethnic identity of different cultures living in the territory of the post-Soviet space, started after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It resulted in formation of unrecognized States in Transnistria and the Caucasus, the emergence of which is conditioned upon the occurrence of ethno-political conflict. The methods of historical and political sciences, in particular, monographic, descriptive and comparative historical methods were used in the study. The novelty of the study lies in discovery of the prerequisites for the emergence of ethnic and political conflicts in the post-Soviet space as a result of the research of the impact of the problems of national identity of Nations living in the post-Soviet space. The study revealed the peculiarities of the national policy of the Russian Empire and the USSR, which inspired the development of ethnic tension after the collapse of the USSR. The author investigated the mechanism of ethno-political conflicts in the post-Soviet space.
the post-Soviet space, territory, unrecognized state, ethnos, nation, identity, conflict, parent state, republic, self-proclaimed state
History of international relations
Kalinin, D.M. (2018). The Analytical Background Report of the US Intelligence Community on the Situation in the USSR at the Final Stage of its Existence (1989-1991). International relations, 2, 40–49. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.26244
The author gives a detailed analysis of the changes in assessment of the USSR by the Intelligence community of the United States during the period from 1989 until 1991 on the basis of documents from the archives of the CIA and the National security archive (USA). The main goal is to analyze the information and analytical reports of the U.S. Intelligence community to expand the understanding of how the ideas about the USSR changed in the Intelligence community in the period from 1989 to 1991. The object of study is the analytical work of the iIntelligence community of the United States and the subject is the analysts' assessment of the situation in the USSR in 1989 - 1991. The author pays particular attention to consideration of possible scenarios, as well as to differences in approaches to forecasting the situation in the Intelligence community. The novelty of the study lies in the involved sources which were introduced to scientific circulation for the first time and in the emphasis of the study on the assessment of the situation in the USSR by the Intelligence community. The author concludes that the information contained in the analytical reports differs significantly depending on the Department wherein they were made, and on the time of writing. The analysts' conclusions were not confirmed by the historical process, and the myth of the US Intelligence services' omniscience and their role in the collapse of the USSR is under considerable doubt.
U.S. – Soviet relations, analytical work, CIA, U. S. Intelligence Community, B. N. Yeltsin, M. S. Gorbachev, G. H. W. Bush, Cold War, Collapse of the USSR, Republics of the USSR
Regional configurations of international relations
Chebotarev, Y.A. (2018). The Dynamic Balance between the Regional Subsystems of the Western Hemisphere: pan-Americanism and Latin Americanism. International relations, 2, 50–60. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.26335
The article examines the regional processes in the Western Hemisphere in the context of their development and competition throughout their history. The author pays special attention to their current state. The movements of "pan-Americanism" and "Latin Americanism" as well as their embodiment in the regional configuration of the Western Hemisphere in General and Latin America in particularare the central issuesof the study. The article outlines the factors of their development and interrelations in an attempt to identify their underlying patterns; to determine more precisely the nature of the current situation in this macro-region; to categorize the ongoing processes in the Western Hemisphere more clearly; and to facilitate their theoretical and practical study through optimization of the set of concepts. In particular, the author propose the concept of dynamic balance as definition of the form of interrelations between the pan-American and Latin American vectors of development of the Hemisphere's regional configuration which is different from the concepts of "cyclicity" and other forms of explanation of the occurring processes proposed in the past. The article concludes that the position of dynamic balance in the Western Hemisphere is objectively inevitable in the current conditions, it describes its key determinants and patterns, mechanisms of its stability and the possibilities of change.
dynamic balance, Latin Americanism, pan-Americanism, regional subsystems, regionalism, integration, The Western Hemisphere, Latin America, patterns, vector of development
Modern foreign policy concepts and doctrine
Owusu-Ampaw, M. (2018). South-South Cooperation: A New Model of Mutual Partnership between China and Africa. International relations, 2, 61–69. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.26470
For decades, China and Africa have been united by cooperation that touches on several fields. But this cooperation has significantly grown over the past decade to the point where it is considered a form of “abusive exploitation of Africa by China” by some observers. Yet, in reality this partnership can be described as cooperation void of risk of being too wrong, win-win. This article raises the question of existence of Western monopoly in terms cooperation aimed at development and growing multiplicity of cooperation policies in this area. It also considers the practices of China’s “South-South” cooperation with African countries and then compares them to traditional North-South cooperation policies. The China’s authorities are deploying South-South cooperation rhetoric and are positioning themselves as reference for developing countries. China is trying to cultivate a positive image in Africa by mobilizing a wide range of academic, cultural, media, economic, and other instruments contributing to strengthening of its power of attraction and the promotion of its development model on the continent. The article assesses the impact of Chinese cooperation on development dynamics in Africa in terms of challenges and opportunities.
South-South cooperation, win-win, seduction, coercion, Soft power, cooperation, Africa, China, North-South cooperation, Peaceful Coexistence
International conflicts
Mamontova, E.A., Arslanov, R.A. (2018). The Prerequisites and Nature of the Yugoslav Crisis (1990-1999) in Russian and Foreign Journalism. International relations, 2, 70–82. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.26487
The Object of this research is the Yugoslav crisis (1990-1999), the subject of the research is perception and interpretation of the Yugoslav crisis in Russian and Foreign (Serbian, English) journalism of the 1990s – early 2000s. The author considers the attitude of domestic and foreign (Serbian and Anglo-American) journalism toward the events of the initial stage of the crisis in Yugoslavia in the 1990s, various interpretations of the prerequisites of these tragic events, examines comprehension of their contents and international significance. The article differentiates positions of Russian publicists, reveals the ideological and political foundations of the views of patriotic and liberal movements representatives, analyses the factors that influenced the perception of the crisis by Serbian and English-speaking authors. The scientific significance of the research topic lies in study of the reflection of the crisis phenomena in journalism, as well as in identification and analysis of the methods and means of its impact on public consciousness, the policy of the State. In the course of study, the author reached the following conclusion: the representatives of domestic, Serbian and Anglo-American journalism in their assessment of the prerequisites and nature of the crisis in Yugoslavia (1990-1999) mark out interethnic, ideological, foreign policy and internal factors that led to disintegration of the unified State.
disintegration of Yugoslavia, factors of the crisis, interpretations, comparison and analysis, Yugoslav crisis, foreign journalism, domestic journalism, differentiation of positions, SFRY, Slobodan Milosevic
International conflicts
Galoyan, N. (2018). The Nagorny Karabakh Conflict: Historical Background, Chronology and Solutions. International relations, 2, 83–89. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.26560
The object of the study is the Nagorny Karabakh conflict, its chronology and the situation that developed after the events of April, 2016. The subject of the research is disclosure of the features of the Nagorny Karabakh conflict, its impact on the inter-state relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as the outline of further prospects for resolution of the conflict. Special attention is given to exposure of the historical background of the conflict and its influence on the future development of events in the region. The author focuses on the positions of the interested parties and future prospects for the resolution of the Nagorny Karabakh conflict. The issues related to the Nagorny Karabakh conflict have been studied of K. Hajiyev, V. Huseynov, A. Krylov, S. Markedonov, S. Minasyan, and others. However, in modern works on international relations and conflict resolution the author doesn’t observe sufficient coverage of intensification of the Nagorny Karabakh conflict (April, 2016) and the prospects for its resolution at the present stage. The article is based on the principles of historicism, consistency, objectivity, the methodological basis of the study is a historical and genetic method. The main conclusion of the study is that a detailed analysis of the positions of the parties indicates that it is quite realistic to arrive at a compromise. Azerbaijan will eventually grant formal sovereignty to the NKAO which will de facto become part of Armenia. The sovereignty will be the bargaining chip between official Baku and the Western world which will find something to offer - profitable contracts on energy resources transportation or membership in NATO. The most probable situation can be defined as "sustained instability" which implies a sequence of negotiation rounds with violation of truce and armed incidents."
foreign policy, parties concerned, political conflict, ethnoterritorial conflict, Nagorno-Karabakh, South Caucasus, regional security, Armenia, Azerbaijan, balance of power
History of international relations
Wang, S. (2018). Confucius Institute and Chinese Teaching Abroad in the Context of Public Diplomacy of China. International relations, 2, 90–97. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.26634
The subject of the study is public diplomacy of China. Public diplomacy as one of diplomacy forms is increasingly attracting China's attention. This form of diplomacy refers to various methods of external communication (with the exception of government diplomacy) including bilateral exchanges between the government and the people. The aim of public diplomacy is to promote a better understanding of the values and institutions of the home country, as well as to enhance its image in the eyes of the international public opinion, which in turn has an influence over the policy pursued by foreign governments towards this state. The author discussed the relations between the Confucius Institute and public diplomacy of China using the methods of analysis, observation and description. The main conclusion of the study is that the Confucius Institute is directly related to public diplomacy of the PRC, moreover, it can be considered its important component. The Confucius Institute and the Chinese language teaching abroad are an important element for the access of Chinese culture to the world, as well as a powerful platform for public diplomacy.
Going out strategy, humanitarian exchange, Chinese culture spreading, promote Chinese language, public diplomacy of China, Chinese language education, Chinese language, PRC, Confucius Institute, Public diplomacy
Peacekeeping operations
Sanusi, H.A. (2018). Conflict Resolution Through Diplomacy:The Case of Ghana. International relations, 2, 98–103. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.26692
Since its creation, the United Nations (UN) has acted as guarantor of bringing peace and stability to the world. In accordance with the UN charter, Member states are required to contribute to the collective security mechanisms prescribed by the organization, as a means of maintaining global peace and security should the need ever arise. The article is aimed at the discovery of importance of peacemaking activities in Ghana’s foreign policy and the analysis of peacemaking experience. The subject of the article is conflict resolution between countries through diplomacy. The developing countries have employed several other means to advance their foreign policy agendas and one key avenue has been peacekeeping since it provides them with a platform for global visibility. Countries such as India, Ghana, etc, have adopted a proactive approach to UN peacekeeping as part of its new foreign policy orientation in the post Cold-War era. Moreover, Ghana has a long standing history of participation in international peacekeeping since it provides it with the same opportunities as India in that regard. The Soft Power advantages in continuous contribution of troops to international peacekeeping assignments have given the country the international attention it needs. This paper seeks to analyze the involvement of Ghana in these peacekeeping activities and the importance of its foreign policy objectives. The author considers Ghana as a key global peace actor through the provision of military and civilian personnel to United Nations peacekeeping operations.
United Nations Peacekeeping, United Nations, Diplomacy, Conflict Resolution, Security, Soft Power, Peacekeeping in Congo, Ghana Arm Forces, Ghana, Ghanaian foreign policy
World politics
Li, N. (2018). The "One Belt, One Road" Initiative as a Method of China’s Interface with the Countries of the African Continent. International relations, 2, 104–109. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.26340
The author of the article analyzes the importance of African States for China in implementation of the "One Belt, One Road" initiative. The initiative to recreate the Great Silk Road is an ambitious project that can increase the influence of China on the ongoing international processes. Africa is an integral part of the initiative proposed by the Chinese side. The object of the study is the "One Belt, One Road" initiative as a means of strengthening a partnership between China and the States of Africa. Subject: the main stages of the development of China-Africa cooperation; promising areas of cooperation, the main objectives of interaction; the factors that hamper dialogue on the said initiative. The methodological basis of the study is a principle of historicism which made it possible to study the importance of revival of the Great Silk Road for China. Bearing in mind that the subject of the study is a modern stage, the author used a problem-historical analysis. The author believes that the relevance of the topic is associated with an increasing influence of the People's Republic of China on international relations, more active participation in the current agenda. As for Africa, the continent has the largest number of developing countries, most of the States are developing a strategic partnership with China. The novelty of the study is to consider new opportunities for China to strengthen its positions in oil-producing countries in Africa due to the gradual withdrawal of the US from the energy sector in Africa. According to the author, the above-mentioned facts require a more detailed study. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that China will continue to invest in African countries because of the mutual interest in implementation of the initiative.
public diplomacy, unhindered trade, financial integration, political coordination, China strategy, China, Africa, One belt, one road, Sea Silk Road, mutually beneficial cooperation
Modern foreign policy concepts and doctrine
Filippov, V. (2018). E. Macron's African Policy: "Soft Power" or Power of Arms?. International relations, 2, 110–122. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.25868
The subject of the study is a set of foreign policy practices of the French Republic currently leveraged by E. Macron and corresponding to the content of the concept of "soft power". The author considers such aspects of the problem as the use of Francophonie as a competitive advantage in the struggle for dominance on the African continent; appeals to the spread of democratic norms in African States; calls for international humanitarian cooperation, etc. The article pays special attention to the political discourse designed to justify a military and economic activity of the Fifth Republic in the countries of Tropical Africa. In the course of the study, the author exercised a principle of historicism and applied a comparative political science method to analyze the African policy of the Elysee Palace. The method allowed the author to trace continuity and identify innovations in the African policy of E. Macron. The author first turned his attention to the fact that E. Macron had the opportunity to address to "soft power" only because of the excessive presence of French troops in the areas of special economic and strategic interests of France on the African continent. The author views the "soft power" policy as opposed to the military-political doctrine of "Françafrique" which was implemented by the Elysee Palace in the post-colonial period and which in fact is implemented nowadays, despite the political demagogy of E. Macron.
international cooperation, Francophonie, Fransafric, Africa, Fifth Republic, soft power, Emmanuelle Macron, France, Mali, Burkina Faso
Modern foreign policy concepts and doctrine
Li, N. (2018). The "One Belt, One Road" Initiative as a "Golden Key" to the Future of China and Latin America. International relations, 2, 123–127. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.26559
The author of the article explores the reasons of Latin American States' interest in participation in the Chinese "One Belt, One Road" Initiative. The author reveals the existing and perspective ways of interaction within the joint implementation of the initiative. The object of the study is the "One Belt, One Road" initiative as a platform for strengthening and expanding international cooperation in the field of modern international relations. Latin American States are an integral part of the initiative proposed by the Chinese side. The subject of the research is the existing and future directions of cooperation within the framework of the studied project, the main objectives of interaction. The methodological basis of the study is a principle of historicism due to which the author managed to determine the importance of revival of the Great Silk Road for China. The author has carried out a problem-historical analysis in view of the fact that the problems stated in the article refer to modernity. According to the author, the relevance of participation of Latin American States in the "One Belt, One Road" project is conditioned by an increasing role of the People's Republic of China in the international arena, active participation of the state in current international problems. China has also initiated the resolution of a number of international issues. Latin America is a very colorful region, ethnically diverse, the vast majority of the continent's States are developing a strategic partnership with the People's Republic of China. The scientific novelty of the study lies in identification of the new opportunities for strengthening cooperation and effective implementation of the initiative. The author will determine the reasons for the parties ' interest in each other. The author comes to the conclusion that China will continue to invest in Latin American countries due to its interest in cooperation.
China’s investment, Agreements, China- Latin cooperation, prospects, perpose, China, Latin America, One belt, one road, Sea Silk Road, mutually beneficial cooperation
Political modernization of international relations
Papoyan, A.R. (2018). The Role of the Armenian Diaspora in Participation of the Republic of Armenia in International Affairs at the Turn of XX-XXI Centuries. International relations, 2, 128–134. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.25965
The subject of the research is an analysis of the impact of the Armenian Diaspora on international activities of Armenia. The relevance of the research topic is determined by a large number and authority of Armenian communities in the leading countries of the world, as well as by the fact that currently the Armenian diasporas are very active and continue to defend both their interests and the interests of the Armenian people. The author pays special attention, first of all, to Armenian public and charitable organizations. The purpose of the research is to assess the impact of diasporas on international affairs. The author applies methods of historical research in the work: the historical-genetic method is aimed at studying the origin of Armenian diasporas in different countries; the historical-comparative method allows to identify the most significant diasporas and the degree of their influence on political processes in different countries. The scientific novelty of the research is that the contribution of diasporas to the formation of Armenia as an actor of contemporary international relations has been assessed for the first time. Armenian (K. K. Tirabyan, D. Asatryan, V. Cardumyan, T. H. Mkrtchyan, A. Galstyan, L. A. Crtean) and Russian (A. Krylov) researchers have been concerned with this subject. As a source, the article uses the report by D. Helly, a expert on cultural aspects of external activity of the European Union.
France, USA, Russia, Republic of Armenia, the Armenian Genocide, the karabakh conflict, non-governmental organization, armenian diaspora, Azerbaijan, Turkey
Regional configurations of international relations
Ponomarenko, L.V., Zabella, A., Lupal'tsova, A.I. (2018). On the Question of China-Sweden Relations. International relations, 2, 135–144. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.25552
The authors of the article consider the development of relations between the People's Republic of China and the Kingdom of Sweden from the date of their establishment to the present; identify the peculiarities and problems of interaction as well as new niches for bilateral dialogue development and predict trends in the development of cooperation between the States under consideration. The analysis of relations between China and Sweden is relevant due to the fact that from year to year the interaction between them is becoming more intense in various areas of bilateral dialogue. The basis of the research methodology is the historical and genetic method, political expertise, analysis of official documents, as well as analysis of statistical data. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the attempt to define the role of Sweden in providing stable and sustainable development of strategic partnership between the PRC and the EU. The authors come to the conclusion that the parties are interested in strengthening interstate cooperation, which will serve as an incentive of interaction enhancement.
establishment of diplomatic relations, humanitarian and social cooperation, economic relations, political aspect of relationships, Sino-Swedish partnership, China and Sweden, Arctic, Hong Kong, Chinese investors, military technology
Regional configurations of international relations
Filippov, V. (2018). The Togolese Crisis: a Perspective from the Elysee Palace. International relations, 2, 145–157. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.25723
The object of the study is a political crisis in the Togolese Republic which began in the autumn of 2017 and continues until now. The author considers such aspects of the problem as a confrontation between the authorities personified by President Faure Gnassingbé and the opposition led by Jean-Pierre Fabre; the background of the conflict situation; the role of France in the murder of Silvanus Olimpio, the first President of the country, and the establishment of a half-century dictatorship of the Gnassingbe clan. Special attention is paid to the tactics of the President of the Fifth Republic, Emmanuel Macron, and the President of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo in the settlement of the Togolese crisis. In the course of the study, the author exercised the principle of historicism and applied the method of historical reconstruction to clarify the multifactorial determination of political instability in Togo. This method allowed the author to conclude that the crisis situation is based on the desire of the Elysee Palace to preserve the political, economic and military-strategic preferences of France in the Togolese Republic. France's concern is to play a political gambit in this country which aims at gaining the affection of the leaders of opposition at the cost of removal of its former favorite F.Gnassingbe from power during the presidential elections of 2020. The scientific novelty of the study is conditioned by the urgency of the events occurring in Togo: the political crisis in this country has not yet become a matter for consideration of Russian and foreign analysts.
For Gnassingbe, opposition, power, political crisis, Guinea, Togo, France, Jean-Pierre Fabre, Emmanuelle Macron, Nano Akufo-Addo
Challenges and threats to international security
Zabirov, D.V. (2018). Cooperation of the Central Asian Countries in the Fight Against Terrorism within the Framework of International Organizations. International relations, 2, 158–163. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.25815
The article focuses on collaboration of the Central Asian countries in the fight against the terrorist threat. The author analyzed the existing legal framework for the fight against terrorism, international law documents, as well as the UN conventions and revealed some legal shortcomings that prevent the international community from working together to fight effectively against this global evil. The author notes that the concept of "international terrorism" has no universally recognized definition, which explains the ineffectiveness of efforts to cope with it. The article states that terrorism is most active in the conditions of permanent political instability, weakness of state institutions, as well as in the period of economic crises, which is typical for the countries of Central Asia. The methodological basis of this article consists of several methods of scientific knowledge. The author applies the method of content analysis to study the legal system in the field of dealing with the terrorist threat in the framework of separate States of Central Asia, as well as in the framework of international organizations. Cognitive mapping is used to identify the range of the regional and global threats associated with terrorism. The historical approach to the study of the problems of international relations helps to determine the historical context of the origin and implementation of terrorist activities in the Central Asian region. The author explores the activities of such terrorist organizations as "Islamic State", "Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan", "Islamic Jihad" and shows their connection with some regional and global terrorist organizations such as "al-Qaeda", "Taliban". The author reveals the goals of these organizations - destabilization of the situation in the region, creation of Islamic States. The article reveals the reasons why the Central Asian region has become one of the most vulnerable regions to the terrorist threat.
international terrorism, security threats, Islamic Jihad,, the Islamic movement of Uzbekistan, ISIL, Central Asia, Islam, extremism, geopolitics, radical ideas
Interests and values
Kondrashov, L.D. (2018). German Anti-Americanism after the End of the Cold War. International relations, 2, 164–167. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.26306
The article is devoted to manifestation of anti-Americanism in Germany after the end of the Cold War. The relevance of the topic is determined by the fact that the USA and Germany today are allies and leaders in many areas despite all the controversy. The author pays special attention to the positive development of relations which are sometimes replaced by a negative attitude towards Washington. In addition, the author closely examines the position of Berlin on two key issues: operations in Afghanistan and the United States’ abandoning the Kyoto Protocol. The historical method was used in the course of study of the German policy in the sphere of economy, which allowed the author to trace the evolution of conceptual foundations of the modern approach of the German government to the way out of the crisis of 2008. Also, the author used a structural method to study the German-American cooperation, which allowed him to determine the origins of relations problems between the countries in the cultural and investment spheres. The author comes to the conclusion that German anti-Americanism, escalated especially during the reign of Bush Jr., has not disappeared in recent years, but changed the nature and became somewhat softer. As a result, it can be concluded that Washington's aggressive foreign policy can generate new negative manifestations of anti-Americanism in German society in the near future.
War in Afghanistan, Kyoto Protocol, NATO, Schröder, George W. Bush, Anti-americanism, Germany, USA, Nuclear power, Soft power
International economy relations
Wang, L. (2018). The Economic Aspect of Relations between China and Belarus. International relations, 2, 168–177. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.25886
The development of relations with the People's Republic of China, one of the fastest growing economies in the world, is a priority of the foreign policy of the Republic of Belarus. The prospects for cooperation between the two countries as well as the benefits they will receive are obvious: new products distribution markets for the PRC and investments for Belarus. The subject of the study is Belarusian-Chinese relations. The object of the study is the economic aspect of bilateral relations. The purpose of the study is to determine how the economic ties between China and Belarus are developing, to identify the interests of the countries in bilateral cooperation with each other. The following tasks were set in accordance with the purpose: to study the legal framework of relations between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Belarus, to consider the aspects of economic cooperation between the parties, to analyze other aspects of cooperation, such as political, cultural, educational, social, etc. The author used two methods as a methodological basis: a historical-chronological method to explore the formation of relations between the two States, and a problem-chronological one to study some aspects of interaction, as well as historical processes in their gradual development. The analysis allowed the author to draw a conclusion that Belarusian-Chinese economic relations are developing dynamically, and the countries also conduct an intensified political dialogue. Investing in Belarusian projects, penetrating the Belarusian markets, the PRC, in turn, carries out active expansion not only in the Republic of Belarus, but also in the CIS on the whole.
contractual legal framework, strategic partnership, turnover, trade and economic relations, the Republic of Belarus, China, investment, infrastructure, scientific-technical cooperation, Silk Road
International economy relations
Katkova, E.Y. (2018). China-Australia Investment Cooperation. International relations, 2, 178–187. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.26247
The article is devoted to the Chinese-Australian cooperation in the investment sphere. The relevance of the topic is determined by the fact that China today is one of the largest international investors, and Australia is in the Top 10 most attractive economies in the world. The author pays special attention to the development of the Chinese FDI policy, starting from the strategy of "expanding abroad" and ending with the recent ambitious initiative to build the "Silk Road Economic Belt". In addition, the legal framework of Australia which regulates a foreign investment in the country, as well as the problems of Chinese-Australian cooperation and promising areas for the application of Chinese investment in the country. The author uses a historical method to study the Chinese FDI policy, which allowed to trace the evolution of the conceptual foundations development of the PRC government modern approach to investment abroad. Also, the author used a structural method to study the Chinese-Australian cooperation, which allowed the author to determine the origins of problems in relations between the countries in the investment sphere. The author comes to the conclusion that the problems in the Chinese-Australian investment cooperation which arose due to Australia's concern regarding a large inflow of investments from China, have changed the nature and areas of application of Chinese investments, but have not reduced their volume in recent years. As a result, it can be concluded that the interest in the further development of relations will remain in the foreseeable future.
state-owned companies, natural resources, infrastructure, foreign capital, infrastructure projects, Going Global Strategy, investment policy, FDI, strategic sectors, national interests
International economy relations
Ezhov, V. (2018). China-Brazil Energy Cooperation. International relations, 2, 188–192. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.26267
This paper is concerned with the issues of China-Brazil cooperation on the issues under study and the impact of China's energy policy on these relations in the XXI century. In his work the author highlights that cooperation in this area in the early 2000s was extremely limited but in 2007 Brazil became one of the largest South American oil suppliers to China. China is also interested in Brazil in terms of biofuels, as this Latin American state is one of the leading producers and exporters of this type of fuel. The author considers the increasing importance of renewable energy sources for the energy policy and security of the PRC. The author believes that the China-Brazil energy relations were influenced by BRICS which created the necessary cooperative environment for collaboration. The article analyzed the statements that were made at the nine BRICS summits (2009-2017). The methodological basis of the article is scientific methods based on the requirements of an objective and comprehensive factor analysis of the China-Brazil energy relations. The research was carried out with the help of a set of methods and means of scientific knowledge. The author comes to the conclusion that strengthening of cooperation in the energy sector between China and Brazil is caused by a rapid economic growth of China which requires the development of the energy industry. Brazil, in turn, is interested in Chinese investment and technology. The author concludes that the potential for cooperation between the two countries is enormous and that the governments will increase the level of cooperation in the researched field.
bilateral cooperation, petroleum, renewable energy, South-south cooperation, BRICS, Biofuel, Energy Security, strategic relations, investments, Energy Efficiency
Sociology of international relations
Kocherov, O.S. (2018). Geopolitics of the Grand Weiqi Board. International relations, 2, 193–204. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.26687
The subject of the study is the ancient Chinese intellectual game Weiqi as a cultural matrix and analog model of the Chinese geopolitical picture of the world. The use of Weiqi as a tool of political analysis is caused, on the one hand, by a growing influence of China on the international arena and the formation of the Chinese school of international relations; on the other hand, by the current trend towards gamification of social processes. Weiqi is viewed from the framework of "game geopolitics" - a new direction at the junction of game and policy proposed by the author as a study of strategic culture in space perceived through culture. The study uses a comparative-political method, method of studying specific situations (cases), method of analog model construction. The author correlated the categorical apparatus of the game and geopolitical theory, considered the main strategic and tactical elements of the weiqi game used by the PRC in its foreign policy course. The article identifies the main components of the Weiqi strategy– maximization of the long-term profit, capture and retention of the initiative while avoiding direct confrontation, orientation to multi-purpose moves. The author made projections on the further actions of China on the world stage in terms of the weiqi strategy. The author proposes to use Weiqi as a tool for creating the East Asian security architecture within the China-Japan-Korea Trialog.
gonghuo pattern, geopolitical field, geoculture, East Asian security, cultural basis of geopolitics, analogical model, game of weiqi, Chinese geopolitics, strategic culture, game geopolitics