Bogolubov S.A..
Environmental Laws and Realities
of Russia and USA
(review of the book of Broslavsky L.I.
"Ecology and Environment. Laws and realities of USA
and Russia". Moscow: Infra-M. 2013. 317)
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2013. № 2.
P. 320-325.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2013.2.62853 URL:
The article compares environmental legislation of Russia and the United States, rules and reality. The necessity
of the creative use of foreign experience in the legal and environmental activities is justified.
environment protection, legislation, environmental management, Russia, USA.
Abramova A.I..
Lawmaking Problems
(review of the book of Nematov A.R.
“Lawmaking in the Republic of Tajikistan”
(Dushanbe, 2013)
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2013. № 2.
P. 326-327.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2013.2.62854 URL:
The presented article is a review of the book of Nematov A.R. “Lawmaking in the Republic of Tajikistan”
(Dushanbe, 2013). The work is based on the experience of Tajikistan, and reflects the search for new approaches to understanding
the content of legislative activity and its importance in public administration and government of society.
The monograph contributes to the theory of law-making and may be of interest to lawyers, interested in this matter. A
number of general conclusions about the character and nature of legislative activity in Tajikistan appears to be useful for
lawyers dealing with comparative law.
comparative law, legislation, management, planning, forecasting, concept, effectiveness, legislation, modernization, systematization.
V.E. Chirkin.
Constitutional Law in the British
and French Versions
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2012. № 6.
P. 205-208.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2012.6.62032 URL:
This article presents a review of the books: Bradley AW, Ewing KD Constitutional and Administrative Law.
15-th ed. L. 2011. 804 p. and Gicquel J., Gicquel J.-É. Droit constitutionnel et institutions politiques. 25-éd. P. 2011. 806 p.
constitutional law, administrative law, European Union, United States, United Kingdom, Russia, state, right, freedom.
Marino I..
Review on the Book of T.Y. Khabrieva “Modern Problems of Self-Determination of Ethnos”
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2011. № 4.
P. 177-180.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2011.4.58811 URL:
The review notes that the monographic research of T.Y. Khabrieva consistently upholds the idea of preservation
of ethnic identity, support of ethnic freedom and originality, recognition of the diversity of ethnic identity while preserving
the principle of equality and personal non-discrimination. It is emphasized that this book for the first time carried out a
systematic theoretical study of all major forms of self-determination of ethnic groups.
self-determination, ethnos, nation, unitary state, federation, territorial autonomy, national-cultural autonomy
New English Books on Constitutional
and Administrative law
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2011. № 1.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2011.1.58191 URL:
The author of the present review thoroughly analyses the two volumes of British authors. The author of the
review gives due regard to the questions discussed in the books as well as to the similarities and differences in the two
volumes. The theories that are developed by the authors of the books and the vast practical basis under the theories are
also reflected in the review.
constitutional law, administrative law, court disputes, Great Britain, bodies of state power.
New Approaches to Comparative Law
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2011. № 1.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2011.1.58192 URL:
In the present review the author deeply analyses the first volume of Vladimir Lafitsky’s book «Comparative law
in the images of law».
comparative law, typology, systems of law, philosophy of law.
Taltseva L.A..
Restriction of the Choice of Law by Sides of the Contract of International Carriage by Air
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2010. № 2.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2010.2.57429 URL:
Article is devoted to limitation of the choice of law made by the parties of the international carriage of persons in the international conventions and the national legislation by means of which the infringement of passenger’s interests is prevented. Author gives special consideration to the analysis of the scientific literature of foreign countries. Article is of interest for practicing lawyers, science officers, students, who interested in Air Law. It is prepared at support of University of Passau (Germany)
International carriage of persons, Air law, Shoice of law, Protection of the passenger, Warsaw Convention 1929, Montreal Convention 1999, Sontract of adhesion, Sonsumer contract, Limitations
Vorobjeva E.A..
The Role of Comparative Law in the Development of the Institute of Transactions Requiring Consent (Approval) of Third Parties
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2010. № 2.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2010.2.62545 URL:
The article explains the importance of applying the methods of comparative law to improve national legislation on the example of introducing the institution of transactions requiring consent (approval) of third parties. The comparative characteristic of the norms regulating specified above transaction under the legislation of Germany and the offers, made in the Concept on perfection of the civil legislation in the Russian Federation is given. Are specified similar and distinctive features. The author of the article specifies on that applying the methods of comparative jurisprudence in the study of social problem it is possible to come running to the conscious legislative borrowing of norms and institutes taking into account the features of the national legal system
comparative law, legal system, borrowing norms and institutions, consent, third party, consent form, revocation of consent
R. M. Valeev, N. E. Tyurina, G. R. Shaikhutdinova.
Retsenziya na knigu O.I. Tiunova, A.A. Kashirkinoi i A.N. Morozova «Mezhdunarodnye mezhvedomstvennye dogovory Rossiiskoi Federatsii» (M., 2008, 247 s.)
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2009. № 2.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2009.2.56900 URL:
Fake F.F..
Review of the Book by Abdraimov B.Zh., Bogolubov S.A. Land Law of Russia and Kazakhstan: Problems of Development, Procedural Forms of Realization (M.,2007)
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2008. № 4.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2008.4.56548 URL:
Fake F.F..
Review of the Book "Acute Issues of European Ecological Law (Compilation of Articles)" (M., 2007)
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2008. № 3.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2008.3.56529 URL:
Review on the Book by Alekseev A.I. Legal Reality in Fine Arts.
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2008. № 1.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2008.1.56318 URL:
Review of the book written by a well known scholar raises an acute and interesting theme of interaction of law and art.
ntroduction to Modern Constitutional Law of the USA (Lafitsky VJ. Constitutional System of the United States. -Moscow. - 2007. - P.372. - In Russian)
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2007. № 3.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2007.3.56369 URL:
Fake F.F..
Review of the Book of Saidov A.H. «Parliaments of the Countries of the World ».
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2006. № 2.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2006.2.56449 URL:
Fake F.F..
European Criminal Law Convention on Corruption.
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2006. № 2.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2006.2.56450 URL: